Brother Xuan

"I told you before that he's not a good guy. But NOOO, you never listen. You were like 'I believe him' and don't even trust your best friend. I had always told you to investigate and see for yourself but you refused. No matter how I warned you, you won't believe me!!! "

Xu Wenwen practically wanted to scream her lungs out when her best friend finally saw the true colours of that stinky bastard.

"I know. I know. I'm sorry, Wenwen."

Lu Jingyi apologized for her worried friend. She was grateful to have her by her side. She never abandoned her even when she went down to the wrong path.

"So.... How are you feeling? You're not getting depression, right? That bastard didn't deserve you or for you to cry over him."

Xu Wenwen calmed down and started to worry about her friend's mental state.

"Actually, I'm not that depressed but feel kind of calm instead. I somewhat not angry at what he did. Perhaps, because both of us got busier and rarely seen each other made him wanted know..."

Lu Jingyi felt as if they had nothing to do with each other as time flew in those four years. The feelings she had with him slowly faded.

They said absence makes the heart fonder.

But to Lu Jingyi and Bai Liancheng, it didn't apply to their relationship.

Xu Wenwen was speechless.

"So...You don't actually love him that deeply? Have you ever wonder about your feelings for him was just admiration rather than love? If that's the case, you won't sound so calm."

Xu Wenwen was suprised at her friend's calmness. She thought she would cry her heart out or complain everything about that bastard.

"... Maybe." Lu Jingyi responded.

Was it true? Her love for him were actually just admiration? He did make her heart throbbed. Was it because she admired him that finally she got closer and talk to him? Was it?

While Lu Jingyi was thinking, Xu Wenwen called to her many times.

"Hello, you're there? Earth to Jingyi... HEY!!"

Lu Jingyi snapped out.

"Sorry, I spaced out just now. Where were we?"

"Sigh, it's getting late, I have a photoshoot tomorrow. Let's meet up this weekend and continue. How's that sound?"

Xu Wenwen was getting sleepy and suggested to end the talk.

"Okay, see you this weekend. Text me the date and time. Now you can get your beauty sleep, Miss D-cup. Good night, hahaha."

Lu Jingyi didn't forget to joke about her breast size because she knew Xu Wenwen have a complex about it.

"F*ck You!! Whatever, goodnight. I'll get you for this. Hmph!"

And just like that, Xu Wenwen cursed Lu Jingyi and hung up angrily.

Lu Jingyi's mood was better after talking to Xu Wenwen. She washed up and got on the bed to sleep with a peaceful mind.


In the middle of the night, Lu Jingyi had a strange dream. She saw her younger self. She was four or five years old playing with a young boy mostly two years older than her.

"Brother Xuan, this is for you. A flower crown."

Little Lu Jingyi handed the flower crown to the young boy with a sweet and adorable smile.

"Thank you."

The young boy patted on her head.


Little Lu Jingyi smiled sillyly.

"Why did you make me a crown?"

"Because you look like a prince so I make you a crown. I also make myself a crown too so that we match. Now, we are a prince and and a princess."

Little Lu Jingyi explained and twirled around happily.

"So, are you my princess?"

The young boy smiled with a hint of mischief.

"I am always Brother Xuan's princess."

The naive little princess fell into the mischievous prince's trap.

"Promise me that you will be my princess forever, Princess Jingyi."

The young boy asked shamelessly.

"Okay. I promise, Brother Xuan."

Little Lu Jingyi agreed without hesitant making the young boy smiled warmly in his mind.