
It was an exhausted day for Lu Jingyi, but she felt relax and free from relationship and worries.

She never thought Bai Liancheng cheated on her with a lot of women, she thought it was just her cousin.

Sighed. She might as well continued to come up with designs than wasting her time thinking about that scumbag.

For the whole day until evening, she had been working non-stop to get rid of the scumbag out of her mind. When she's done, it's already seven in the evening. She packed up and went home.

"I'm home."

When she got home, she saw a man, wearing a black neat and tidy suit, sitting in the living room chatting with Father Lu.

"You're home, Jingyi."

Father Lu stood up and took his daughter's hand and dragged her in front of the man.

"Jingyi, let me introduce to you. This is your fiancé, Mo Zhexuan. He is your mom's best friend, Aunty Mo's son."

Father excitedly introduced the man while Lu Jingyi was flabbergasted. She just broke up and then suddenly have a fiancé? What in the world...

"Fiancé? What's going on, dad? When did I have a fiancé?"

Lu Jingyi had many question to ask as she was confused. Father Lu told her to sit down and started to explain.

"Actually, before you were born, your mom and Aunty Mo made an engagement with the two of you if one of you is a boy and the other is a girl. We didn't want to let you know until you're eighteen but who would have thought you've already dating someone. When I heard that you were dating, I didn't mention it so that it would not hurt you. Before confirming Bai Liancheng and you would stay with each other forever, I would not cancel the engagement. But now, you have broken up with that bastard, Zhexuan will now officially become your fiancé."

Lu Jingyi : "....."

What the hell? Was this even possible? How can an engagement temporarily canceled?

Lu Jingyi looked at the man who sat like a king. He has a beautiful eyes which could charmed anyone within second, a small tiny mole on his left earlobe and a handsome face.

Lu Jingyi couldn't help but think that he was the most handsome guy she ever met and that he was her fiancé.

While she was spacing out, Mo Zhexuan stood in front of her and made a bow before he stretched his hand for gesture.

"Hello, my name is Mo Zhexuan, your fiancé."

His voice was deep and mesmerizing. He had a perfect figure too.

God was so unfair. How did god create such a handsome creature?

"H-hello, I'm Lu Jingyi."

Lu Jingyi suttered and shook his hand. His palm was so warm.

"Alright, now you know each other, come, let's have dinner."

Father Lu led Mo Zhexuan the way to the dining table while Lu Jingyi was still gathering information in her head.

At the dining table, Father Lu kept chatting with Mo Zhexuan while Lu Jingyi ate quietly.

While eating, Lu Jingyi felt like she was being watched.

From time to time, she would glance at Mo Zhexuan and he would glanced back making her feel embarrassed.

After dinner, Mo Zhexuan proposed to leave as he had something to do. Father Lu wanted to talk more but he had no choice but to let him leave. Father Lu asked Lu Jingyi to escort him to the entrance.

Lu Jingyi nodded and escorted Mo Zhexuan. The two of them walked side by side.

When they were about to reach the gate, Lu Jingyi wanted to ask him his thought about the engagement. Before she could ask, he spoke first.

"I will not cancel the engagement."


Then, Mo Zhexuan left as if nothing happened. Lu Jingyi was left there suprised at what he said.

What the bloody hell just happened!?