I Like You

"You're here."

Mo Zhexuan saw Lu Jingyi came out from the kitchen with an apron on her. She looked like a wife waiting for her husband to come home and eat together.

He wished that day would come sooner so that he could have this moment everyday where she would wait for him and welcome him home.

"I'm almost done, sit wherever you like. I just need to take out the soup."

When she went back to kitchen to take out the soup, her wrist was grabbed by Mo Zhexuan.

"Let me take it."

Before she could touch the pot, Mo Zhexuan was ahead of her and took the pot to the dining table.

She felt like it was not appropriate for Mo Zhexuan to do it because he was a guest. But he took the pot out in a blink of an eye before she could do anything.

Butler Li saw their interaction and quietly instructed the maids to dismiss. He wanted them to have an alone time.

Butler Li actually called Father Lu about Lu Jingyi invited Mo Zhexuan to dinner regardless of Lu Jingyi wanted it to be a secret.

And that's why Father Lu purposely coming home late to give them time to develop feelings to each other.

Although Butler Li was feeling a bit guilty about not keeping a secret but he still wanted their relationship to improve.


Back to the dining table.

Lu Jingyi took off the apron on her and and sat opposite Mo Zhexuan.

"I asked Wang Jiasi about your favorite food. Hope that my cooking suit your taste."

"No matter what you cook, it will be delicious."

Mo Zhexuan said it like it was a fact. This made Lu Jingyi blushed. She didn't know he could shoot words in straightforwardness.

Did he even know what he's talking about? How could he talk like that like it was nothing? Damn, her heart can't take it!!

"Um...T-Thank you."

For God's sake, she can't stop blushing. However, Mo Zhexuan was delighted that she took effort to cook for him even if it was just gratitude.

"Anyway, I want to thank you for introducing your friends to me, I had a great time."

Lu Jingyi thanked him sincerely.

"It was them who wanted to meet you. I did not do anything. Did they mistreat or bully you?"

Although Mo Zhexuan knew that they won't make things difficult to her, he just wanted to continue to talk to her.

But what Lu Jingyi didn't know was that when Mo Zhexuan saw Chen Liwei touched her, he cut half of his salary for three months.

Chen Liwei's heart was bleeding when that happened and swore that he would never touch Lu Jingyi again.

"Oh, no, they were so friendly and I'm glad. I also wanted to introduce my best friend too."

"Mhm. That's good."

"Actually, there is another thing I want to talk to you."

"What is it?"

"About the engagement, you said you won't cancel it. Can I know the reason?"

Mo Zhexuan's face darkened as he heard her question.

"Why do you want to know? Do you not want to be engaged with me?"

"Oh no no no, I was just curious about it. I did not not want to be engaged with you."

Lu Jingyi felt the sudden chill when she saw his face changed.

Did she say something wrong?

"What do you think when I said that?"

If she knew, she wouldn't be asking. She wondered if he didn't want to tell her.

"I don't know."

"What if I say I like you?"