Honey trap

After dinner, both of them cleared the table and washed the dishes. The atmosphere turned warm. The harmony of the two of them look like newlyweds, very comforting.

Mo Zhexuan wanted to stay longer, unfortunately, he has something to do. Therefore, he had to leave.

He was finally able to get Lu Jingyi to agree to try with him but he had to leave early. This frustrated him more than anything. But nevermind, he still have a lifetime to spend with her.

Slow and steady win the game.

When it's time to leave, Lu Jingyi personally escorted Mo Zhexuan out. While walking to the entrance, Mo Zhexuan held her right hand.

His grip was not tight but was enough to tell that he was reluctant to let go.

Deep down, Lu Jingyi was really happy. Her cheeks was gradually turned red.

They wished time would stop at this moment. But God have other plans for them.

"Goodnight, take care."

"Is that all you want to say to me?" Mo Zhexuan asked playfully.

Lu Jingyi froze and didn't know how to continue. Mo Zhexuan couldn't help but want to tease her every chance he had. He liked to look at her reaction.

Mo Zhexuan wanted to see every side of her. And there could only be seen by him.

Under the light of the moon, Mo Zhexuan could see her face clearly.

She had a beautiful watery eyes, a nose not too big and not too small, a juicy rosy lips which somehow he couldn't control his urge to kiss her and a face small enough for both of his hands to cover.

No matter what, she is the most beautiful woman in his eyes.

Lu Jingyi saw Mo Zhexuan staring at her and stop speaking. She saw that his eyes was filled with affection towards her. This made her blushed even harder.

"Tomorrow, I will pick you up."

"..? What for??"

"I'm driving you to work."

Mo Zhexuan said it like it was nothing to him. In truth, he just wanted to see her everyday. Even if it's just for a moment.

"No, no, it might be too troublesome to come all the way here to drive me to work."

Mo Zhexuan pulled her arms and hugged her. His head on her shoulder.

"It's not, besides, I want to see you everyday."

Mo Zhexuan whispered in her ears.

OMG!! Did he just being coquettishly begging her to his request?

Rumors had it that the CEO of Mo's Group was a cold-blooded person and did not like people sucking up to him.

He also did not have any interest in women. That said, it must be that there's no one was attracting to him.

Seeing him like this, Lu Jingyi couldn't bear it and agreed to him. He's too charming. Who could resist him? She knew she couldn't.


Upon hearing her agreement, he knew his plan worked. A mischievous smile appeared on his face where Lu Jingyi couldn't see it.

He must make sure she falls into his honey trap and never escape from him.

Mo Zhexuan let go of her after a while. He grabbed both of her shoulders and gave a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight, see you tomorrow."

After that, Mo Zhexuan left. Lu Jingyi stood where she was and stared at the vehicle until it's gone. She touched her forehead reminiscing the moment he kissed her.

Thinking of that, her face turned hot.