Are You Blind?

Tonight, Mo Zhexuan and Lu Jingyi was excited for dinner. Mo Zhexuan couldn't wait to see her soon. It's only been several hours and he had already missed her.

"Get the car ready."

Mo Zhexuan ordered while he fixed his tie.

"Yes, sir."


Lu Jingyi stretched her back, she has been designing for hours. Inspiration flowing through her mind.

She almost complete all ten designs. However, she didn't keep track of the time and forgotten about her dinner appointment with Mo Zhexuan.

She forgot to look at the time.

Outside her studio, Mo Zhexuan was waiting for her in the car. While waiting for a long time, Mo Zhexuan didn't see her coming out. He decided to fetch her in her studio.

While Lu Jingyi was busy designing and drawing, she didn't notice someone was by her side.

She was too concentrated on drawing the perfect design that she neglected the person beside her.

Mo Zhexuan couldn't bear to say anything to her since she was too focused on her designs. Therefore, he stood beside her watching her drew.

She looked mesmerizing when she's serious. An affectionate gaze flashed through his eyes. He suddenly bent down and slowly leaned closer to her.

Lu Jingyi felt a sudden warmth near her face. When she turned her head, she saw Mo Zhexuan's face was in front of her. Their lips was an inch apart.

She startled and darted back. Her chair went backwards and was already prepared to have a fall. But before she hit the ground, a strong arm caught her.

"Sorry, are you okay?"

"Yes, uh- thank you. Oh, why did you come up? You should have just call me."

Lu Jingyi spoke with calmness but her cheeks was red from just now. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest.

Goodness gracious!! That was a close one. She almost kiss him just now!! To be truthful, she wished their lips touched. What in the world was she thinking!?

"I can wait for you. You don't need to worry too much."

After all, he had been waiting for years. Just a little bit more couldn't hurt. Patience was all he needed.

"That won't do. Give me a moment. I'm going to pack up."

After Lu Jingyi was done packing, they went to the restaurant Mo Zhexuan booked.

"Are we eating Japanese cuisine?"

"Are you blind?"

Mo Zhexuan teased her with a playful smile on his face when the sign clearly stated Japanese.

Could he not be so blunt? She was just confirming.

"It was just a joke. You like Japanese cuisine, right? That's why I brought you here. They have the best Japanese cuisine."

Mo Zhexuan had done his research about her and he was confident that she would like it.

"Yes, I love it. Especially when you watch animes, the food they presented was always looked delicious. That's when I started to try. And after trying, I immediately fell in love with it."

She looked so blissful when she talked about herself.

"Let's go."

Mo Zhexuan held her hand and walked with her inside. They were led in a private room by a waitress.

When they arrived at the private room, they sat down. Immediately after they sat down, food was served. Lu Jingyi's stomach rumbled and she started eating.

Mo Zhexuan watched her ate silently. It was a very beautiful moment to him.