

A certain man was emitting a dangerous and chilling aura. The employees who were with him were shaking in fear. The chilliness was freezing them.

The meeting was silent as hell. They could hear the sound from the air conditioner and the tapping fingers of their boss.

Another day to get bashed harshly by their boss. They didn't know if they want to cry or laugh.

Mo Zhexuan's face was dark and he was in a very bad mood. First, he did not get to see Lu Jingyi. Second, there were problems occurred in the proposal. And third, he was not in the mood to do this things.

His face was so scary and some of the employees wished the meeting could end quickly.

Suddenly, a phone rang. All the employees including Assistant Yan were cold sweating.

Who's phone rang at the worst timing!? They prayed that person would still be alive after that.

Then, they saw Mo Zhexuan picked up his own phone and accepted the call. The moment he saw Lu Jingyi was calling, he immediately accepted.

"Hello, Mo Zhexuan. Are you busy?"

"No. I'm not busy."

Was he crazy? Assistant Yan who organized Mo Zhexuan's schedule looked at his boss dumbfounded.

His schedule was packed for the day. With this meeting getting delayed, his schedule was even tighter and he said he was not busy!!!???

"Oh, ok. Well, I just wanna ask if you're free tonight. I want to meet you if that's okay"

"Sure. I'm free tonight."

"Okay. See you tonight."

After the call ended, they saw their boss smiled. Smiled? They rubbed their eyes to confirm. Indeed, their boss was smiling.

Did the sun rise from west? At least they won't face a scary him.

"Meeting adjourned" Mo Zhexuan said coldly.

And finally, they were out of hell. Phew.


"Dad, I dreamt of mom."

Father Lu was reading a newspaper in the living room when he heard Lu Jingyi talking.

Father Lu decided to rest for a day and not work in the company. He has been stressed out with a lot of work.

"Oh, that's good. It means she missed you. I'm jealous." Father Lu said jokingly.

"I dreamt about her death."

Upon hearing Lu Jingyi said, Father Lu expression dropped.

"What did you dreamt about?"

Father Lu was nervous and the hands that were holding the newspaper tighten.

"About how mom and I were kidnapped and mom was shot in front of me."

While talking, Lu Jingyi couldn't hold back her tears.

Father Lu immediately stood up and hugged Lu Jingyi. He stroked her head and asked.

"Did you remember everything?"


"I'm sorry. Dad couldn't protect your mother. I was a step too late."

Father Lu was blaming himself and tears started to drop from the corner of his eyes.

Both father and daughter hugged each other and cried a long time.

Butler Li, who heard their conversation, shed tears too. His Young Miss and Master were pity to lose a wife and a mother. He also lost a Madam.