Avenge Assistant Ye

After she left, Wang Jiasi had a sudden realization that he had hired an incredible and talented assistant for himself. Or more precisely, his father hired her.

He never properly looked at her before. It's been two years she worked for him.

He remembered she looked the same as two years ago. Cool and aloof. Most of the time, she had a poker face. She didn't smile much.

The smile he seen mostly just a fake smile for work. As a CEO, he did rely on her too much.

He dated many women two years later after Mo Zhexuan was found after being kidnapped for five years.

Before that, he work his hardest to help and search for Mo Zhexuan that he didn't have time for relax and anything else.

He felt the stress and pain was over after Mo Zhexuan was rescued. That's when he started fooling around. Assistant Ye was hired by his father to assist him.

After taking over the company, he felt stress and tended to skip work. He dated different women once in a month. Sometimes when he broke up with those women, they were being clingy and started pestering him.

He warned them and only some of them went a little crazy and kept wanting to see him. He ignored them but somehow they vanished and never appeared again.

And that's when it hit him. He realized that Assistant Ye was the one helping him removing those annoying women and endured those humiliation and pain.

He was such a jerk. Letting a woman to settle his affairs. He should own up to his responsibility.

Wang Jiasi spent the whole day blaming himself in his office.

From that day forward, he swore not to date anyone until he finds his true love.

He will avenge Assistant Ye and settled the score to those women who touched and humiliated her.


Lu Jingyi was in an exceptionally good mood since yesterday's confession.

Since yesterday, she kept thinking about Mo Zhexuan and sometimes absent-minded when drawing new designs.

Her fashion show will be on two days from now. She had designed all of them and needed to make them.

Her staffs were hardworking and she felt grateful that she had such hardworking workers.

They work together to get all the designs done. The clothes were almost done and only two left needed to be sew.

Lu Jingyi's assistant, Xiaoyu, was busy inviting models to model their designs.

Lu Jingyi was excited for her fashion theme this time. It meant a lot to her. Her new journey starts the moment she met Mo Zhexuan.

She especially prepared a special seat to her father and Mo Zhexuan on the day of the fashion show. She wanted to show them her masterpiece on the new theme.

She sent a text message to Mo Zhexuan and asked if he have time to come. While waiting for his reply, she continued her work.

Soon, she got a message from him saying he had time. Lu Jingyi subconsciously smiled and was very happy.

She then called Xu Wenwen to go shopping tomorrow for her dress for that night.

Although she was a designer, she never really wore her design. She enjoyed admiring other designs and wore them to satisfy herself.

She wanted to buy a matching suit and dress for herself and Mo Zhexuan. This was the first time she got the chance to wear couple clothes.

When she dating Bai Liancheng, he didn't like to wear matching outfit. Although Lu Jingyi wanted to, she did not get to do it due to the unwillingness of Bai Liancheng.