First Kiss

Xu Wenwen hung her head down and apologized. She made everyone worried about her and she felt guilty.

"No more next time dear. We were worried sick for you. Text us where you are next time."

Father Xu patted Xu Wenwen's head and comforted her.

Lu Jingyi was glad that the search was over. Shw hoped that Xu Wenwen knows how to solve her relationship problem.

Speaking of relationship, Lu Jingyi subconsciously looked at Mo Zhexuan. Such a perfect man fell in love with her and for years. It's a blessing for her to meet him.

Mo Zhexuan sensed Lu Jingyi's gaze on him. He turned his head and looked into her eyes. Both of them stared at each other for a long time before Mo Zhexuan decided to break them.

Mo Zhexuan walked towards Father Lu.

"Uncle Lu, I want to bring Jingyi somewhere. Can I have your permission to take her? I will bring her back later."

Father Lu looked at his daughter and then to Mo Zhexuan. He nodded.

"Be sure not to let my daughter stay out too late."

Lu Jingyi heard their conversation and wondered. They didn't even ask her if she wanted to go although she's willing to go anywhere with him in her heart.

After Father Lu gave his permission, Mo Zhexuan grabbed Lu Jingyi's hand and walked to the exit.

Outside of the building, Mo Zhexuan told Lu Jingyi to stay and wait for him to get his car. While waiting, Lu Jingyi looked at her hand that had been held by Mo Zhexuan.

There's a desire in her heart that she didn't want to let go of his hand ever since he held her hand. His hand was warm, big and her hand fit nicely in his.

His warmth gave her a sense of security and she could feel his love for her. Soon after, Mo Zhexuan arrived and told her to get in.

"Where are we going?"

"A secret."

Mo Zhexuan knew Lu Jingyi's fashion show would be a success because that's the girl he loved and he prepared surprises for her beforehand.

Lu Jingyi stayed quiet for the whole ride since she didn't know what to talk about. The quiet moment ended when they're arrived at their destination.

What Lu Jingyi saw was...a field? A field where there's only grass. She got down from the car and wondered why Mo Zhexuan brought her here.

Mo Zhexuan got down from the car and held Lu Jingyi's hand. He led her to the middle of the field. There's a picnic mat there with different kinds of light food.

Once she sat down, Mo Zhexuan whispered to her ears.

"Look up."

Lu Jingyi looked up and she saw fireworks. Her eyes sparkled. Those weren't normal fireworks but fireworks with her name and her look there.

The fireworks also presented a story where a little girl met the little boy. Mo Zhexuan explained that the two children were them and how they've met.

She was touched. She didn't know what else to say except for gratitude. This was the first time someone would prepare things like this for her sake.

Since she didn't know what to say, she used her action to convey her message. She hugged Mo Zhexuan and kissed him on the cheek.

Mo Zhexuan was caught surprised by Lu Jingyi. Lu Jingyi buried her head in his neck and her heart was pounding fast.

They hugged each other for a while before letting go. Lu Jingyi lifted her head up and saw her reflection in Mo Zhexuan's eyes.

Mo Zhexuan slowly leaned forward touchimg her lips with his. At first, he thought she would avoid it but she didn't. It was a first kiss for the both of them.