Enemy Or Ally?

Chen Liwei kept his silence after listening to Lu Jingyi's honest thought. What she said was reasonable. Did he see him flirting back at those bitches? No, he didn't. He just assumed it.

He also assumed he has a thing with his client without proper investigation or even listen to his explanation.

"Whether or not it's true, you need to talk to him. Just um..... Just don't go flare up before the misunderstanding was clear of suspicion. Well, I have to go. I've paid the bills so drink to your heart's content."

"Sister-in-law, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Lu Jingyi left after paying the bills. Chen Liwei on the other hand sipping his coffee while thinking what should he do.


"How's the investigation going?"

Mo Zhexuan sat at his chair coldly spoke to Assistant Yan.

"Sir, the enemy was very mysterious. It's like all information was intentionally concealed. It's difficult for our top hackers to track him. And it seems there's another person who involved in Miss Lu's kidnapping incident. That person cut all ties with the mysterious enemy after the incident. That person's information is the same as the enemy, intentionally concealed. Another thing sir, the mysterious enemy maybe the same enemy we've been looking all this time."

Mo Zhexuan raised one of his eyebrow after hearing what Assistant Yan said.

The enemy he's been searching all this time was also connected to Lu Jingyi's kidnapping. This was definitely deliberately aiming for the Lu Family and Mo family.

The enemy of theirs may have some grudge against the two families or maybe another families as well.

"Mm. Continue to investigate. Investigate also the other famlies if they have the same trouble or incident related to the same enemy. Tell Zhexi to cooperate as well."

"Yes, sir."

Mo Zhexuan pressed his glabella¹ with is two fingers to kill off some stress on him. The enemy was very mysterious, powerful and hidden somewhere up until now. No matter it's the past life or this life. He still couldn't figure out what did the enemy want.

He totally need to charge up his energy. He need his Jingyi right now. Thinking of her smile and her blushing face, he felt much better.

At the same time, Lu Jingyi was working when suddenly her nose were itchy. She then sneezed like kitten.

Did someone talk badly behind her back?

She rubbed her nose and continued her work.


Night fell, Lu Jingyi worked till late again. It's good that she drove today or else Mo Zhexuan would have waited a long time for her.

Before she went back, she went to the convenient store to buy some instant noodles. Apparently, Lu Jingyi was craving for some sour and spicy instant noodles and it just so happened to be finished at home.

While she was finding her favorite instant noodles, she got a tap from her shoulder.

She turned around and saw the middle-aged man from the afternoon.

"Hello, little girl. We've meet again. I'd told you not to go out alone. And here you are alone buying in the night."

"Pardon me. Thank you for your concern. But, do I know you?"

Lu Jingyi was taking precautions on this man. Is it a coincidence that they met here? Or.....

"No. But I know you. You don't have to worry, little girl. I won't harm you."

Lu Jingyi frowned at his answer. He looked suspicious enough for her to file a police report.

"Hahaha. You don't to put your guard up. You will know soon that I will be your formidable ally."

The man smiled then turned to leave. When he walked outside he murmured to himself 'Because I owe you.'

Lu Jingyi was left in a confusion state. Did the man said he will be her formidable ally? What did he mean?

¹ - [the smooth part of the forehead above and between the eyebrows.]