Her Finger Move

It's been one and a half month, Lu Jingyi still haven't woke up.

Mo Zhexuan sat beside her bed looking at her peaceful sleeping face. He lightly touched her cheek with his fingers then moved to hold one of her hands.

He bent down lightly and kissed on her forehead.

"When are you going to wake up? I miss you. Please, Jingyi. Wake up."

Mo Zhexuan said with a desperate yet low voice hoping that Lu Jingyi could heard him.

He rubbed her hand on his forehead and shut his eyes feeling her warmth.

Just then, the door opened. Xu Wenwen came in with a basket of fruits.

"Oh, sorry. I'll come back later."

Xu Wenwen apologized. It seems like she came in the wrong time. She saw Mo Zhexuan sitting there rubbing his forehead with her best friend's hand.

It was a little awkward so she decided to stay outside for a while. It's not the first time she saw this scene.

"It's okay. Come in."

Xu Wenwen then went in and put the basket of fruits on the table. It was super awkward. They never talk much to each other. Xu Wenwen sometimes would initiate a conversation.

"So, how's the investigation going?"

Xu Wenwen hated the silence between them. So she started a conversation with Mo Zhexuan.

"Progressing. We found some clues but they didn't help much."

"It must be tough, right?"

"Mm. My younger brother didn't come with you?"

"No. He said he has something on."

"How's it going with you two? Zhexi said he's been courting you by starting being your friend."

"Uhh....It's going well, I guess."

"Zhexi has a childish personality but he's kind, bright and loyal. I can guarantee that. If you ever end up with him, you won't regret."

Just when Xu Wenwen wanted to reply Mo Zhexuan, the corner of her eyes saw Lu Jingyi's finger moved.

She thought she was hallucinating, she went over to Lu Jingyi and checked again.

Mo Zhexuan curiously watched Xu Wenwen's action. He was puzzled for a moment and followed where Xu Wenwen was watching.

He then saw Lu Jingyi's fingers moved.


Her fingers moved again and this time they were not hallucinating.

"S-she moved!! She moved!! Doctor!! Doctor!!"

Xu Wenwen excitedly pressed the call button. Mo Zhexuan was also excited. Finally, she's going to wake up.

Doctor and nurses came in no time and immediately checked on Lu Jingyi.

"Miss Lu was recovering well and soon she will be waking up. If she wakes up, please call me."

"Thank you, doctor."

The doctor nodded and left. Both Mo Zhexuan and Xu Wenwen was happy that Lu Jingyi will be waking up soon.

Both of them decided to stay until Lu Jingyi wakes up.


Lu Jingyi was having a long dream. She dreamt about the time where her childhood was with a boy.

In her dream before, she didn't recognize the boy who she called Brother Xuan. But now, the boy was similar with someone she knew.

On a white empty space, she only saw a figure far from her reach. It was a boy she knew. Although she couldn't see his face clearly, but the feeling he gave was similar to someone.

She then saw a pair of legs in fornt of her.