Do You Remember Me?

Mo Zhexuan blinked twice to confirm what he saw. Lu Jingyi woke up. She woke up!!

Mo Zhexuan quickly pressed the call button to call the doctor.

Then, a doctor and a nurse came. Lu Jingyi sat up to let the doctor examine her.

"Mm. Good. Seems like you're recovering well. Rest for a few more weeks and you're good as new."

"Thank you, doctor."

After the doctor and the nurse left, Lu Jingyi and Mo Zhexuan stared at each other like having a staring contest.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Almost two months."

"That long?"


Lu Jingyi was not quite used the way Mo Zhexuan behaved. It's seems like something was bothering him.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you remember me?

Mo Zhexuan pulled a long face as he was asking that question whether she remembered him or not.

He was afraid that she will say she didn't remember him.

On the other hand, Lu Jingyi looked at Mo Zhexuan in a confused look.

What in the world was he talking about? Of course she remembered him. Did he think she will forget him after sleeping so long?

"Of course I remember you, Zhexuan. Why do you ask?"

Then, Mo Zhexuan pulled her into an embrace. He buried his head on her neck. His sudden action startled Lu Jingyi but she quickly came back to her senses and hugged him back.

"I'm glad you're fine. I never want you to get hurt anymore. I'm afraid to lose you again. Please stay by my side forever. When the doctor said you might have a high possibility to lose memories, I was so afraid. Afraid that you won't remember me."

Mo Zhexuan said in a hoarse yet deep and trembling voice. He was shaking and hugging Lu Jingyi tightly afraid she would disappear if he let go.

Lu Jingyi's heart ached when she heard him begging like that. She couldn't bear to see him like this. She proceeded to hug him tighter.

"I won't. I promise. And I will always remember you."

Lu Jingyi comforted and determined Mo Zhexuan with her words using a soft and gentle tone.

The words coming from her lips worked like a charm. Mo Zhexuan felt better already. He let go her and wanted to kiss her.

"W-what are you doing? I have not brush my teeth for almost two months. I must be smelly and dirty."

Lu Jingyi pushed Mo Zhexuan when he wanted to kiss her. She turned her head to the other side not looking at Mo Zhexuan.

Mo Zhexuan cupped her face and forced her to look at him.

"You're not smelly or dirty. I want to kiss you, can I?"

Lu Jingyi looked at him in the eyes. His eyes were mesmerizing and deep that could pulled her in. She was beautifully speechless.

Mo Zhexuan saw how she didn't react and just assumed she gave her permission through silence. He leaned forward and touched his lips to hers.

He then kiss deeper and slid his tongue inside. He used one of his hand to grab her neck from behind and pushed her towards him.

Lu Jingyi's face were bright red but she was enjoying the kiss they shared. She responded back the kiss to show him her affectionness towards him.

They were so immersed in their own little world, they did not notice someone was awake by their kissing sound and watching them with her eyes wide open.

Mo Zhexuan let go of her lips and kiss down to her neck. He made a kiss mark on her neck making her moaned.

When they want to proceed further, they heard a sound.
