Wang Jiasi's True Love

A few weeks later, Lu Jingyi was completely recovered and was discharged.

These past few weeks, her father, Mo Zhexuan and Xu Wenwen had accompanied her during recuperating. She didn't get bored.

As for Xu Wenwen, she had to leave early as her work had started to get more.

Father Lu told her that Lu Jingshan and her family were arrested for their crime. They wouldn't bother them anymore.

They deserved it. If they hadn't colluded with Lan Xing in getting rid of her, they wouldn't end up in jail.

And so, Mo Zhexuan tightened the protection around her afraid that the same thing would happen. Lu Jingyi also make an extra cautiousness around her surrounding.

After that, they returned to their normal daily routine life.

Meanwhile, for the past few weeks, someone was in a stressful mode. He had been observing his assistant until he realized he had feelings for her.

Wang Jiasi couldn't get Assistant Ye out of his mind. For the past few weeks, he felt like it's hard to look at her eyes directly. He didn't know why at first because he didn't have this problem before.

He felt his heartbeat was beating fast when they were closed to each other. He could smell the lovely jasmine fragrance on her when he got closed.

He also noticed she knew what he wanted and what he likes. Perhaps because she was his assistant and therefore she knew it when working for him.

She knew he liked black coffee with a cube of sugar, a clean and organized table, and knew what he wanted for lunch. Or perhaps because she was his assistant.

One of the banquet organized by his partner's company, he attended with Assistant Ye last week. He realized for the first time, she was so beautiful and attractive.

He also noticed there are some lustful bastards who keep looking at her. He felt uncomfortable when other men stared at her. Then, his action startled Assistant Ye.

He took off his coat and covered it on her shoulders. He even made an excuse that he was hot and therefore he temporary put it on her shoulders.

His motive was to cover her beauty and even glared at those men who were staring at her. That's when he started to accept that he fell for her.

Never had he thought he would fall in love with his assistant.

On the other hand, Assistant Ye felt uncomfortable under Wang Jiasi constantly staring her all the time. She didn't know what was going on in his mind but she wished he stop staring her.

"Sir, is something the matter?"

"Huh? Oh. No."


"Ruyi, do you want to get lunch together?"

Wang Jiasi was praying she would say yes because he wanted to figure out what she likes.

"Sorry, sir. I brought my lunch today."

Wang Jiasi's hope just shattered. He lowered his head and bumped on the table. His action confused Ye Ruyi when looking at him.

Did he want to eat with her?

"Sir, do you want me to buy lunch today? Um...we can eat together if you want."


Wang Jiasi looked like a dog happily wagging his tail because he got what he wanted. His eyes sparkled when he heard he could eat with Ye Ruyi.

Ye Ruyi saw how happy her boss was, her lips curled up giving Wang Jiasi a chance to see her beautiful smile.

She wondered where was the past boss she had been working with. Who was this smiling like an idiot in front of her?

For some reason, from the moment Wang Jiasi discovered she had been slapped by his ex-girlfriends, he stopped dating anyone and just stay in his office most of the time.