Stop Avoiding Me

"Then, am I good enough to be your boyfriend?"

Ye Ruyi was stunned by his words. She thought her ears must be having a problem that she heard Wang Jiasi asking her if he was good enough to her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, sir. Can you repeat?"

"I said, am I good enough to be your boyfriend?"

Now that she heard it twice and it was the same sentence. She can't 'unhear' it. Maybe her boss was just trying to be nice and made a joke out of it.

"Sir, please don't joke around."

"I'm not joking. I'm serious here."

Both of them stayed awkward and silent for three minutes. Mostly, it was Wang Jiasi who was waiting for her to talk.

"Sir, lunch time is over. I'll be heading back to work."

Ye Ruyi proceeded to stand up and took her empty lunchbox away. She suddenly couldn't looked straight in Wang Jiasi's eyes.


Before he even could speak, Ye Ruyi had already shut the door behind her. Wang Jiasi stood frozen with his 'please wait' pose.

Was he that scary? Or did she think that he was not good enough to be her boyfriend?

Wang Jiasi scratched his head with both of his hands to express his frustration.

The next few days later, Ye Ruyi tried her best not to make an eye contact with Wang Jiasi. She also avoided him during lunchbreak.

Her only time when she needed to talk to him was work related. Most of the time, she will not stay with him.

Was he that scary?! She kept avoiding him. He hadn't even confess but she already avoiding him.

When he wanted to talk to her, she will make up excuses to avoid him. Wang Jiasi was starting to get annoyed.

Sooner or later, she'll need to confront him. She can't avoid him forever. Wang Jiasi decided even if he get rejected, he must deliver his confession to her.

When it was almost time to clock off, Ye Ruyi's daily routine in work will always went to Wang Jiasi's office and report.

When Ye Ruyi entered the office, she saw no one was there. Then, she heard a click behind her. She turned her head around and to her surprised, she saw Wang Jiasi was behind her.

What the freaking hell was he doing behind her and locked the door?!

"You finally look at me."

Wang Jiasi leaned against the door and crossed his arms looking at her smiling. His smile didn't look like he was happy.

"Sit down."

Ye Ruyi gulped. For the first time, she could feel Wang Jiasi's frustration and warth that's about to vent on her.

Wang Jiasi also proceeded to went and sit down. Both of his elbows on the table, fingers interlocking and resting his chin on his fingers.

He looked at her with his stern eyes which made her sat with her back straightened and her hands on her thighs.


"Yes, sir."

"Stop avoiding me. I won't eat you."

But his eyes indicated other meaning.

"I know I have startled you. But I'm serious. Did you know I fell in love with you? Crazy, right? That's why I ask if I'm good enough to be your boyfriend. I like you and that's a fact. You don't have to reply me just yet. Maybe we can get to know each other before deciding. What do you think?"

Ye Ruyi pursed her lips. She known him for two years. The only thing she knew about him was that he was a playboy until the last few month.

She pondered for a while before replying to him.