Be Prepared

Xu Wenwen looked at him dumbfounded. W-why did he have to ask such question?

"W-why do you ask?"

Xu Wenwen wasn't sure why but she felt nervous when he asked that question.

"Because I want to know how the girl I like felt when I hold her hand. Did she feel anything for me?"

Mo Zhexi stared straight into her eyes preventing her from escaping the question.

Xu Wenwen clutched her hands together and her face was red. She looked down breaking the eye contact. She needed help.

"I-I'm going to the restroom."

Xu Wenwen then stood up and walk quickly to the restroom. She then took out her phone from her purse and called Lu Jingyi.


"Jingyi, I need you help."

Xu Wenwen explained what happened just now and asked her for advice.

"Ha ha ha ha.... You're a tigress. But you were acting like a cat in front of him. Hilarious indeed."

"Can you stop laughing and help me out!?"

"Just tell him how you felt. Simple."

"But I--"

"Are you still afraid? Or do you still treat him as a friend? I don't think it's possible to be friends with him since he confessed to you. Why don't you just tell him how you feel."

"Perhaps I am but instead of afraid, it's more like I'm scared that my trauma before would affect him."


"Like if we're holding hands, I could possibly swung his hand away because of my last experience and fear. When he hold my hand, I almost wanted to swung away but I suppressed it because I knew the one holding me was not that scumbag but him. I might really hurt his feelings if I'm not careful."

"But you care about him right? If not, you would have swung your hand away just like what you've said. Just talk to him about your worries."


"Do you want to piss me off? For God's sake, just do what I told you. TELL HIM HOW YOU FEEL AND WHAT YOUR WORRIES ARE. Seriously, Wenwen. Everything would be fine. Just talk to him. He will understand. If he won't, I'll help you settle him."

"O-okay. Geez. I never thought one day I heard you shouted at me like that. You rarely talk like that."

"That's because I'm freaking irritated by you."

"Ha ha... Okay. Thanks. I'll talk to him."

"Mm. Good luck."

Xu Wenwen took a deep breath before coming out and went back to Mo Zhexi who's waiting for her.

While waiting for her, Mo Zhexi thought he scared her with his words. He's been recalling if he said anything wrong or perhaps, he was too straightforward.

Anyway, he will have to ask her. It can't go on like this.

Then, he saw Xu Wenwen coming and sat down. She looked like she had something to say to him.

"'ve asked how I feel, right?"


Mo Zhexi starting to get nervous. Did she get repulse by her hands touched by him?

"A-Actually, I'm still afraid of what I've experienced last time. When you touched my hand, I almost wanted to swing away. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't. I don't want to hurt your feelings."

"So, you're not disgust in me?"

"No!! Of course not. I-I'm quite h-happy."

"Great. At least you didn't hate my touch. Three more weeks to go, Xu Wenwen. Be prepared."

Mo Zhexi smirked happily. He's getting closer to her heart.