Fragile But Strong

That day, he was wandering around the shops because he had nothing to do. Getting some fresh air and observing people was his things.

He liked people watching because it's interesting. Their action, speech and expression. That's when he decided to take psychology career.

Walking down the path, he coincidently saw two girls were being surrounded by a few men in the alley.

He rushed up and stopped those men from doing something to them. Those men were furious as they were interrupted by him.

As those men were distracted by Luo Yixuan, one of the girls immediately found a chance to kick the man before her.

She kicked one of the man's crotch and sent a few flying kicks to the other men too. In an instant, all the men fell down.

"Are you okay, Wenwen?"

"I'm fine. You're amazing. You beat those men alone. I should have taken martial art with you."

"How about we practice at my house? Like.... now?"

"Err.... Hehe, no thanks."

Luo Yixuan's eyes widened as he seen the girl beat those men in a flash. As he got closer, the faces of those girls were the one he knew.

One was Lu Jingyi and the other was Xu Wenwen. The one who kicked those men was Lu Jingyi. He was surprised, very surprised that Lu Jingyi looked fragile and small could have so much power in her.

He was instantly attracted by her.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Yes, thank you. If not for your sudden appearance, I might not have a chance to kick their ass."

"Oh, no. It was just a pure coincidence."

Then, Xu Wenwen had this lightbulb on her head that lighted up.

"Hey, I think I know you. Are you the student in his second year who top all the exams in perfect one hundred scores each?"

"Ugh.. Yes. Is that how people call me?"

"Well, yes. As a thank you, let us treat you a meal."

"No need. I didn't do anything."

"But your appearance saved us."

"Stop it, Wenwen. Don't forced him. If he doesn't want to, just let him be."

Xu Wenwen pouted as she was lectured by Lu Jingyi. But she asked for his number.

After the incident was past, they became friends.

What connects them together was because Xu Wenwen wanted to be friends with a top scorer and might help her in exam. Perhaps such as giving some tips.

Xu Wenwen often invited Luo Yixuan to help them in studying for exam. And that's when they became friends.

Af first, he was just their friend and a tutor who taught them. Slowly, when they spent more time together, he realized he had feelings for Lu Jingyi.

He liked spending time with her. It's like she knew what to talk about and made him feel better. Being with her was the happiest moment he get.

Her personality, her charm, her smile and everything about her attracted him.

When it's time for graduation, he decided to confess to her but he was a coward. He couldn't get a word out of him and missed his chance.

After that, he went overseas to pursuit his dream. Even though they were still in touch, he very much regret everyday that he didn't confess to her.

And after a few years later, he heard from Xu Wenwen that she got a boyfriend called Bai Liancheng. He was devastated. He never knew how hurt it was that his love one was taken.

He avoided the topic about her boyfriend when they were in contact. And it continued for a few years.