What Can I Do For You To Fall In Love With Me?

"What do you think I'm doing?"

"I really don't know, sir."

"It's off work. You don't have to call me sir. You and I are not a boss or an employee now."

Since Wang Jiasi said so, Ye Ruyi changed her expression to a cold one. She was holding herself back because he was her boss.

"What is it that you want? Please make it fast. I have something else to do afterwards."

Wang Jiasi was surprised that Ye Ruyi changed her expression so fast. He was startled by her sudden coldness.

"Um... I-I..."

He didn't know why but he shuttered and forgot what he wanted to say.

Ye Ruyi frowned at his delayness. Her show was about to start. And she didn't want to stay here any longer.

"If you have nothing to say, I have to go now."

Ye Ruyi saw that he didn't say anything and she proceeded to walk to the door. Just when she's about to unlock the door, Wang Jiasi stopped her.

He then took a deep breath before he spoke.

"What can I do for you to fall in love with me?"

What kind of question was that? Ye Ruyi didn't know how to answer. Wang Jiasi looked into her eyes with determination.

He was determined to make her fall for him. He never felt this nervous for his whole life even when Mo Zhexuan's threatening him, he was never this nervous.

"You can let me go."


"I said you can let me go if you want me to fall for you."

Was she kidding him??? What the hell?! It's like he was being played by her.

"Are you done? I really want to go home now"

Wang Jiasi then smirked. She wanted to play hard to get, right? So be it.

"You can go now."

Wang Jiasi smiled to her and waved goodbye which she thought it was weird. She took a few steps out of the office and turned around, she saw Wang Jiasi was all smiles while looking at her.

That look of his was a little bit creepy but she didn't care much. She needed to go back as soon as possible.

Today, she forgot to record her favorite show and that's why she wanted to rush home.

After Ye Ruyi's sight was gone, Wang Jiasi's smile replaced with a mischievous smile.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

Meanwhile, Ye Ruyi sneezed when she was outside the company waiting for taxi. She thought she might catch a cold.

She didn't know her action had triggered something out of Wang Jiasi that he never had before.

Wang Jiasi sat at his chair looking through the window where Ye Ruyi was waiting for taxi. He looked at her and his lips curled up.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow.



Ye Ruyi woke up as usual. She washed herself, get dressed and had breakfast. She didn't know why but she had a bad feeling.

One of her eyelids was twitching non-stop. She hoped nothing bad could happen to her.

When she arrived at the company, she, as usual went to the CEO's office and reported to Wang Jiasi.

She prepared every documents she needed and then knocked on the door to get approval before going in.

"Come in."

She opened the door and came inside. She saw Wang Jiasi sitting on his chair and looked at the files in seriousness.

She then reported to him what his schedule was for today. To her surprise, Wang Jiasi was very serious in his response and attitude.

Did her action yesterday trigger him to act like that?