Spread Rumors

His motive was to spread rumors about him and Ye Ruyi. That way, no man would dare try to hit her.

Ye Ruyi tried to struggle free but to no avail.

The secretary didn't know what to do in this situation. Should she leave now? Or....?

"Ah, please get me two cups of coffee, will you?"

"Y-Yes, sir."

The secretary immediately left the office and went to make coffee.

Ye Ruyi's face was red all over and even behind her ears.

Wang Jiasi saw her ears were red and he was satisfied. He grinned and then let her go. She immediately got off his lap and stayed as far as she could from him.

She immediately tidied herself up and glared at Wang Jiasi three feet away from him.

Wang Jiasi just smiled at her. His mission had completed. Soon, the whole company will spread news about them like wildfire.

"You can continue your work, Ruyi."

Ye Ruyi couldn't do anything to him except bowing and left the office with a force smile on her face.

She could imagine the looks of everyone when they see her. Ugh..... She couldn't face them because it's too embarrassing.

She then took a deep breath and brainwashed herself that it's only a rumor, nothing to worry about.

She straightened her back and held her chin high. She's done nothing wrong and just walked in confidence.

Along the corridor, many keep gossiping about her and Wang Jiasi. Which mean that the secretary who saw them had told someone and the someone told others until the whole company knew what's going on between her and Wang Jiasi.

Ye Ruyi's face was darkened. That jerk Wang Jiasi. Was he trying to ruin her reputation?

What Ye Ruyi didn't know was that, everyone in the company was cheering for them. They were gossiping how did they end up together and who confessed first.

Everyone in the company liked Ye Ruyi because of her personality and her professionalism. She's friendly and also smart in solving problems in every bad situation.

In their heart, if she got together with their boss, they will support her.

Ye Ruyi was speechless by their expression everytime they saw her. She should clarify to the secretary who saw them earlier.

She then went to the secretary room and found the secretary who saw them earlier.

"Hey, um...about earlier. It's a misunderstanding. I have nothing to do with our CEO. I accidentally tripped and coincidently landed on his lap. Do you understand?"

The secretary nodded with a smile. She understood what she said. She understood that Ye Ruyi was shy.

"Okay. Okay. I know. Don't worry, Assistant Ye. We'll keep our mouth shut when you're here."

What?? That's not what she meant.

"No, what I meant was---"

"It's okay, Assistant Ye. I understand. You must have something to report to our CEO. Go now, you must not let him wait."

The secretary then have her files that needed to sign, gave it to her and pushed her out of the secretary office. She gave a 'keep fighting' pose to her before closing the door.

Ye Ruyi was pushed outside of the door. She was utterly speechless.

Meanwhile, Wang Jiasi was in a very good mood. He smelled his hand that filled will Ye Ruyi's scent. Lavender.

Author : Pervert. -_-

He was delighted that he got to hug her. He almost wanted to call Mo Zhexuan to announce his excitement.

Perhaps he should continue to use this boss and employee identities method to get her fall for him.

That will be a great idea.

Thinking of that, he smiled devilishly. What should he plan next?