Catch Me If You Can

Everything happened too quick. Her mind was filled with confusion and the images just now.

She also saw Mo Zhexuan drowning himself in the bar and Wang Jiasi was there to pull him out.

She never seen him like this. Why did he drink so much?

She also saw the helpless expression on Mo Zhexuan's look when she died. He hugged her body tightly and would not let her go regardlessly.

On the next image, a man's figure appeared and got closer to Lu Jingyi's tombstone and Mo Zhexuan was lying beside it.

He slowly walked towards Mo Zhexuan and his face was blurred. The next thing she knew, he stabbed Mo Zhexuan to death.

"Finally, revenge completed. How does it feel to die on your lover's tombstone? You deserved it. Who told you to mess with me? Hahaha...."

Then, all the images were gone. Lu Jingyi's eyes were red and tears kept falling. It hurts. It really hurts to see Mo Zhexuan died, her father died and her mother died.

All of them died before her eyes. Was that really her past life? Why did she have to suffer? Why did they also have to suffer?

What did they do wrong?!

The pain in heart was getting stronger. She sat on the ground lowering her head and her hand clutched on her chest. Then, the black figure appeared again.

"Are you in pain? Well, that's good. Blame it on Mo Zhexuan. He's the reason you and your father died. If he didn't exist or if he didn't mess with me, you wouldn't have to suffer like this. But because you are important to him, that's why you have to suffer to let Mo Zhexuan look at. I want him to feel pain."

Lu Jingyi was on the ground listened to the voice which sounded in anger. She then looked up to the black figure.

"Are you the one who stabbed Zhexuan to death?"

"Yes, so what?"

Lu Jingyi then stood up and faced the black figure.

"I don't know who you are but we will find you. And investigate the reason behind your revenge. Once we found you, we'll settled the scores with you. You better be ready."

The black figure was silence. It didn't talk but it slowly faded away. Before it completely faded away, it spoke.

"Catch me if you can."

After it's gone, everything around her was empty again. Suddenly, the whole place cracked and shaken.

Lu Jingyi couldn't hold her balance and fell on the ground. Moments later, the whole place fell apart.

Lu Jingyi then fell into a black space. The fall shocked her and it felt so real. It eventually woke Lu Jingyi up.

Lu Jingyi opened her eyes and realized she's in her bed. Something wet on the corner of her eyes. She then wiped away and realized it was her tears.

She then sat up from her bed. She recalled the dream she had. If what the black figure said was true, did she reincarnate?

Or was it a parallel world where one she had a tragic life and the other was this life?

She's getting a headache with all this information. She then got down from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She then sighed. Having a peaceful life was hard.

After that, she went back to sleep. She decided to talk to Mo Zhexuan about her dream tomorrow.



As usual, Mo Zhexuan came and picked her up to drive her to work.

"Are you free tonight?"

"I'm always free for you."

That sentence brought out her smile.

"I have something to talk to you."

"Sure, we'll eat dinner together and chat."