
Wang Jiasi was overjoyed that she agreed. Then, he heard a 'but' word.

"But, on one condition."

"What condition? I'll accept it."

"You will not do anything that I don't want and I don't like."

"No problem. Then, it's settled. From now on, you're my girlfriend."

Wang Jiasi smiled widely to her. His expression was clearly expressed that he was pleased.


Mo Zhexuan picked up Lu Jingyi after work. They went to eat hotpot while chatting.

Lu Jingyi got straight to the point. She told everything happened in her dream to Mo Zhexuan.

Mo Zhexuan was shocked. Yes, he was extremely shocked to know that she dreamt about her past life.

What she said to him was exactly what happened in their past life. The black figure which Lu Jingyi assumed it was a man, appeared in her dream and told her that he was the one making her suffered.

If his assumption was right, the man was the same one in this lifetime who wanted to kidnap Lu Jingyi.

She even dreamt about the time he died.

"Do you think I had reincarnated from my past life?"

"Yes, I think so."

"If it's true, then the scene I dreamt about really did happen in my last life."

Lu Jingyi was mind blown. She did not expect she really did reincarnate because she was just asumming it. But, why didn't she have any memories of it before.

And she thought it was the same as all the novels she read. The protagonist will have the memories of his or hers past life.

"Oh, before I forgot. Did I call you as Brother Xuan when we're little?"

And again, Mo Zhexuan was stunned by her words. She even recalled her childhood memories?

"Yes, all the time. Did you regain your memories of your childhood?"

"Probably. Maybe not all. I do remember I dreamt about Brother Xuan before, but I didn't know what he looked like or who he was. But now I know. He's you."

Lu Jingyi smiled at Mo Zhexuan and looked him in the eyes. She remembered Brother Xuan said he will always be by her side in her dream.

At first, she didn't understand what he mean by always by her side. But now she know. Mo Zhexuan had always been by her side after she met him.

Mo Zhexuan was happy that Lu Jingyi regained her memories. But he rather not want her to have the memories of her past life because it's painful.

But seeing her now, she didn't even flinched when mentioned about their past life. Most of the people would have trauma or nightmares or it.

"Jingyi, are you holding back?"

"Holding back what?"

"Your emotion. Do you want to cry it out?"

Lu Jingyi stiffened upon hearing the question. She did cry last night. She was very sad and hurt seeing those tragic scenes of her past life.

She was even hurt when her loved ones died in front of her eyes. But now, she's more calmer than before.

"No. I'm fine. Don't worry. Those event happened in my last life. I'll just have to make sure it doesn't happen in this life."

"I'm here for you. You can rely on me."

"Of course. You're always by my side and I'm willing to rely on you."

Mo Zhexuan's expression softened. She's a strong person. He will help her in anyway he could . She will have at least one more person to depend on.

After that, Mo Zhexuan peeled the crawfish and placed the meat on her plate.

"Eat more."

Both of them enjoyed their meal after a heartful chatting.