
"But we see each other everyday."

What Ye Ruyi was trying to say was could she have a break not seeing him?

"During working hours, our identities are boss and an employee. We're professionals. We won't treat each other as boyfriend and girlfriend during working hours. However, when it's not working hours, treat me like a boyfriend."

Wang Jiasi was clear-headed about what he wanted and he also respected Ye Ruyi. He will be a boss to her during working hours and be a boyfriend during non-working hours.

Ye Ruyi interpreted his meaning as she will see him everyday in two different identities. What she wanted was some private time though she predicted that it won't happen too soon.


The corner of her mouth twitched as she was impressed by his reasoning.

After finished eating, Ye Ruyi washed the chopsticks while Wang Jiasi packed the rubbish and threw them into the dustbin.

Once they were done, Ye Ruyi headed to her room and grabbed her bag. Then, both of them went out of the apartment and boarded Wang Jiasi's car.

During the ride, none of them spoke. The reason was Ye Ruyi fell asleep on the car. She didn't know why but she's tired and wanted to have some shut eye even if it's just a few minutes.

Wang Jiasi saw she slept and purposely drove slowly but also to make sure they arrived on time.

Ye Ruyi woke up because the car stopped moving and it seems they have arrived. Wang Jiasi parked the car in the basement of the company.

Wang Jiasi wanted to wake Ye Ruyi up but she woke up on her own instead. He wanted to take a picture of her sleeping but it seems impossible now.

No need to worry. He had plenty of time. He just need to wait patiently.

Both of them got down from the car and went into the company. Some of the employees from the basement that just arrived saw them together.

They were surprised to find out Ye Ruyi came from their boss's car. Soon, another gossip about them was about to spread throughout the company.

The oblivous two didn't know a thing and just doing their job especially Ye Ruyi.

The staffs knew Assistant Ye was denying the relationship between their boss and her but their boss didn't deny when the rumors spread about them.

They had suspicion about their relationship. They concluded that they might be in a secret relationship or perhaps just their boss who had one-sided love for her since they saw their boss almost gawking at their Assistant Ye everyday.

But seeing the two of them came together and some employees saw Ye Ruyi came down from Wang Jiasi's car, they concluded that they have gotten together.

Ye Ruyi felt like a lot of people were staring at her. When she turned around, all of them gave a bright smile to her.

She was puzzled by their expressions. She thought she might wore the clothes wrongly or something wrong with her appearance.

But when she looked herself at the mirror in the restroom. There was nothing from her appearance or her clothes.

So what were they staring at her with their creepy bright smiles? Or more precisely, their knowing smiles to her?

Rather indulging in the question she didn't know, she asked the secretary who just came by the restroom.

The secretary blurted out everything happened in the company. She said that they all knew about the relationship between her and Wang Jiasi.

After having an answer, she was speechless. She didn't know that all of them knew about their relationship although it was just temporarily.

Although she didn't like to be gossiped, she couldn't control the mouths or the mind of others. She might as well just ignored their gossips on her.

With a helpless look, she continued her work without being distracted by the gossips.