Am I Harsh?

When she's done feeding, she cleaned up everything and threw it into the trash can. She went to the toilet and washed her hands.

Just then, the door opened and came in two people. The two man bowed before entering the ward.

Mo Zhexuan frowned upon seeing the two unfamiliar people. Obviously, Mo Zhexuan didn't know who they are and so he kept his guard up.

"Mr. Mo. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Who are you?"

"I'm Ma Songweng and this is my assistant. We came to express our gratitudes and apologies."

Mo Zhexuan raised his eyebrow out of curiosity.

"We were also captured by Jun Moxiao and coincidentally Miss Lu had saved us. We want to express our gratitude to her. I also wanted to aplogize to her about her mother."

"No need."

Lu Jingyi came out of the toilet with a cold expression. The two of them entered when she's inside the toilet. When she got out, she saw the two familiar face and her expression turned cold.

Mo Zhexuan could obviously see that Lu Jingyi hated them. Lu Jingyi then walked towards and stand beside Mo Zhexuan's bed.

She turned around and faced them.

"You don't need to thank me. We were coincidentally being captured by the same person and we helped each other out that's all."

"I'm sorry about your mother. It's was never my attention to let her die. It was my fault."

Ma Songweng held his head down. He really regret conspiring with Jun Moxiao. He watched the one he loved died in his own hand.

"It should be. I don't like the way you said you loved my mother. If you truly loved her, you should support her and not scheming against her husband. You loved her but you also made her unhappy because you troubled my father."

"I know. I will apologize to your father tomorrow."

"No need. I don't want my father to have a sudden heart attack when he hears the news. Just don't ever let me see you again."

"Will you forgive me?"

"I will forgive you since you have been watching over my safety in my mother's stead. But, I won't forget how my mother died in your and Jun Moxiao's hand. If you appeared in front of me again, I'll sent you to jail. You better watch where you're going."

The assistant beside Ma Songweng was angry because he knew how his boss had been enduring the pain for all these years.

He had been repented his mistake and never once he saw his smile even when he hired him.

It's so unfair. It was Jun Moxiao's man that got crazy and killed her mother. Why does his boss have to take the blame? He was just scaring and made a little trouble for her father.

Ma Songweng looked at Lu Jingyi with a hurt expression. She looked like her mother when she was young.

He f*cked up real bad. He never wanted to happen that way. He could still be friends with her if he didn't join hands with Jun Moxiao.

"I understood. I promise not show my face in front of you again. If not, you'll send me to jail for my crime."

Ma Songweng bowed followed by his assistant before he left the ward. Lu Jingyi watched them leave and for some reason, she hated and felt guilty at the same time.

Lu Jingyi them looked at Mo Zhexuan to find comfort.

"Am I harsh?"

Mo Zhexuan waved at her to come closer and she did exactly what he asked. He patted her head like a child.

"No, you're not. You're just doing what you think is right. Don't blame yourself."

Lu Jingyi then wrapped her arms around his neck amd embrace him. She buried her face on his chest.

They quietly embrace each other and immersed in their own little world.