I Can't Wait To Marry You

Mo Zhexuan looked at Lu Jingyi in amusement. He knew she would felt embarrassed but he can't help chuckling.

When Lu Jingyi came out, she didn't even looked at him in the eyes. He then grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his embrace.

He lifted her chin to force her to look at him.


Face covered in red blush, Lu Jingyi was teased by Mo Zhexuan and she was a little bit angry.

"D-don't ask me."

"You were the one who insisted to help me. What if eveytime you lit the fire in me? Will you come to my rescue? Or would you just leave me be and I'll just take the cold shower everytime?"

Lu Jingyi can't help but blush even harder. She indeed wanted to help him but everytime? How many times were there?

Seeing her with no response, Mo Zhexuan assumed his teasing made her bashful and speechless.

However, Lu Jingyi then wrapped her arms around his waist and her face leaned against his chest.

"If you want, I will come to your rescue everytime."

Her soft, gentle yet cute voice plus her shyness action against him had K.O him.

This little devil?! Does she know that she can triggered him in many ways??

Honestly, his teasing had become something Lu Jingyi can counterattack with her boldness and shyness and even her honesty.

Mo Zhexuan then bent down and gave her a passionate kiss.

He bit her lower lip for her punishment of seducing him. After that, he parted her lips and went down kissing and nibbling her earlobes.

He then went back to her lips and slipped his tongue inside swirling with hers.

Lu Jingyi could only think about kissing him. Her mind is blank instead filled with all the intimate moments with Mo Zhexuan.

After a while, Lu Jingyi's leg were getting numb and Mo Zhexuan held her steadily. They parted their lips and stared at each other while panting.

Mo Zhexuan reached his hand and touched her face. He rubbed it gently and tenderly looked at her.

"Jingyi, I love you. Let's move our engagement forward. I can't wait to marry you. I want you mine."

Still in a fuzzy state, she nodded and gave him a bright and loving smile.

He then carry her to the bed. He hugged her to sleep. Despite his arms cracked, he still had the strength. Fortunately, it was not broken, or else he wouldn't be able to carry her.


Luo Yixuan came home and saw his mother was waiting for him by standing in front of the door.

"What's wrong, mom?"

"Yixuan, my son, I'm so sorry that I said hurtful things like disowning you. Mom didn't want your father's company to be someone else. You have to hang on to it."

Luo Yixuan was speechless and helpless. He's tired of hearing his mother saying to keep the company with him.

"Mom, if you had to chose one, would you choose to sacrifice my freedom for the company or would you choose me and let me do what I want?"

Mother Luo was astounded by his son's question. She hesitated in answering his question.

Seeing her hesitation, Luo Yixuan got his answer. The company is more important than his son's freedom.

He suddenly felt very disappointed in his mother. His mother won't tell him the truth yet she was not supportive of him leaving the company that he didn't even want to manage.

He then walked away and went upstairs to his room leaving the confused Mother Luo downstairs.