Touching Speech

After letting Mo Zhexuan know her intention, See Weiling went back to her seat.

"Where did you go until came back so late?"

Mr See and his wife were worried about her since she came back so late.

"Just a stomachache. Don't worry. It's all better now."

See Weiling smiled brightly at both of her parents. They were dumbfounded by her smiled.

Why is she smiling like that?

See Weiling was in a good mood. She get to see the man she loved and at least give him an impression of her.

After some time, the ceremony started. The host was standing on the stage and hosting the party.

"Let's us invite our main characters to the stage."

Everyone clapped their hands and stood up. They all turned their head to the door that's open.

Lu Jingyi and Mo Zhexuan walked with hand linking to each other. They slowly walked under the red carpet to the stage.

Lu Jingyi was gorgeous like a fairy and Mo Zhexuan was dashing like a prince charming.

They were perfect for each other.

See Weiling's eyes were glued to the man she set sight. She was envious the one beside him was not her.

They went up to the stage and the host passed his microphone to them. Mo Zhexuan took it and expressed his gratitude.

"Thank you all for coming to our engagement party. Jingyi and I been through a lot and finally we can be together. I'm grateful to the God who let me spend my whole life with her. She's the only one for me. Without her, my life will not be complete."

Although Mo Zhexuan said been through a lot but only he and Lu Jingyi knew what they had really been through.

Mo Zhexuan then looked at her tenderly. He then faced her while she stared at him.

"Jingyi, from the moment we met since childhood. I fell for you at first sight. Due to unpredicted circumstances, we've been seperated for quite a long years. You had your life and I had mine. But fate brought us together again. I never thought of seeing you again but destiny led me to you. My heart beats around you. Your expression are danger enough to make heart races. My mood also follow yours. When you're sad, I will be sadder. My heart ached for you. Lu Jingyi, I love you."

Tears fall from the corner of her eyes. She was touched by his speech. She hugged him and said to him.

"I love you too, Mo Zhexuan. We'll always be together forever."

After such a romantic and touching speech, everyone clapped their hands to the sweet couple. Some cry by Mo Zhexuan's touching speech.

Father Lu also shed tears because her daughter found her happiness. He wished Mother Lu could witness Lu Jingyi's happiness.

He was glad that Lu Jingyi found someone who cherish and love her so much. It was the greatest gift that he ever received.

Mother Mo and Father Mo was proud of their son. Mother Mo was the most excited, she had a wonderful daughter-in-law.

Mo Zhexi, Xu Wenwen and Mo Zheyuan cheered for them. Mo Zheyuan cloud only congrats them through an Ipad that Mo Zhexi's brought over.

He can't attend their engagement party but he'll be sure to be back when they had their wedding.

Xu Wenwen was happy for her friend. Mo Zhexi grabbed and held her hand. Xu Wenwen looked at him and Mo Zhexi whispered to her ears.

"We will also have an engagement after I proposed to you."

Xu Wenwen blushed and light pushed him. Mo Zhexi smiled as he looked at her adorable face.

After the couple hugged for a while, Mo Zhexuan once again faced the crowd and announced something.

"Our wedding will be held one month from now. Everyone are invited to our wedding."