Officially Living Together


Dazzling sunlight was shining upon them with birds' melodious chipping sound.

Lu Jingyi woke up in Mo Zhexuan's embrace. She didn't dare to move as she didn't want to accidentally wake Mo Zhexuan up.

She just stared at his face lovingly and enjoy her view. Since she didn't have work today, she'll just laid down on the bed and sleep longer.

By the time she woke up again, Mo Zhexuan was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she was greeted by a cute little furball.

Kimchi was sitting on the bed and had been waiting for her to wake up. She was surprised to see Kimchi as she didn't get to see him when she came back yesterday.

Lu Jingyi would never know that Mo Zhexuan had locked Kimchi in his own room and not let him out to ruin his time with his fiancée.

That's right. Kimchi had his own little room. No pets had this marvelous privilege but Kimchi had.

He should be thankful to his master by giving him a room instead of a dog house. Locking him up for just one night will not do him any harm.

Kimchi was angry at the fact that his master locked him up just to not disturb them. He will forgive him once since he gave him a food and toys to play with.

Lu Jingyi was stunned yet happy to see Kimch. She immediately stretched her arms and hugged the cute little puppy.

Kimchi was also happy to see Lu Jingyi again. It's been a long time since she visited.

It was clearly that Kimchi had grown a lot for the past few weeks and he's getting bigger day by day.

Lu Jingyi gave Kimchi a peck before going to the bathroom to wash herself up.

When she was done, she and Kimchi went downstairs together. While she was walking downstairs, she saw Father Lu sitting on the couch talking to Mo Zhexuan.

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

"Can't I see my daughter?"

"Of course, dad. I was just asking."

"I came here to tell you that you are officially living here with Zhexuan starting from today onwards. You two are engaged and it's normal to live together. You can adapt to your new lifestyle now and won't having trouble adapting in the future when you get married."


Lu Jingyi didn't expect that her father had tossed her daughter to live with Mo Zhexuan right after their engagement. Not that she disagree.

She thought a father couldn't let go of their daughter and was not eager to send them away.

Guess maybe Father Lu just trust Mo Zhexuan a lot for him to agree for her to live with him without any worrying.

Does no one care about her opinion? He didn't even ask if she wants although she didn't really want to refuse.

"Don't worry, dear. Zhexuan would definitely take good care of you. I have faith in him."

"Thank you, dad." replied Mo Zhexuan

Mo Zhexuan had already addressing Father Lu dad which made Lu Jingyi's lips slightly twitched.

"I won't stay for lunch. I'll get going now. Your things will be send here by this afternoon."

"Let me send you off, dad."

"Great. My son-in-law really is a good man. Hahaha."

Mo Zhexuan sent Father Lu off while Lu Jingyi bid her goodbyes to her father.

She didn't think that she had slept until noon. And her stomach was growling in hunger. After Mo Zhexuan was done sending off Father Lu, he came back inside and held Lu Jingyi's hand.

He then smiled and took her along to the dining table.

There were all her favorite dishes. Sweet and sour pork, spicy crayfish and steamed silky tofu with shallots and soy sauce.

She looked at Mo Zhexuan and wondered if he made this himself.

"You made this?"

"Yes, for you only."