Take Me As An Apprentice

Her love for Mo Zhexuan was cheap that she actually gave up in chasing him instead chose to follow Lu Jingyi.

See Weiling then got up from her seat and paid the bills but realized that Lu Jingyi paid it.

How cool was she!! Even though she disliked her, she still paid her drinks.

See Weiling smiled happily like a child as she found a new purpose to pursue. She hurriedly took a cab and went home.

When she got home, Mrs See was stunned to see her daughter smiling sillyly and ran upstairs. She wondered if her daughter encountered something that made her happy.

After Lu Jingyi left, she head back to work. All her cold expression was gone. She felt better after 'lecturing' her opponent.


The next day, as usual, both Lu Jingyi and Mo Zhexuan went to work early in the morning.

As Lu Jingyi went to her studio, she was greeted by the sunshine smiled pasted on the face of See Weiling.

"Hi, Sister Jingyi."


Lu Jingyi was confused and dumbfounded by her greeting. What the hell happened to her?

Why is she smiling like she's happy to see her? There's definitely something wrong with her.

There's no way the one who claimed that she want to snatch her man was greeting her with a genuine smile on her face.

See Weiling then hooked her arms with Lu Jingyi's which Lu Jingyi was not appreciated by her action.

Lu Jingyi took her arm away from but to no avail. See Weiling was clingy to her like a koala.

She doesn't like where this is going.

"Sister Jingyi, from today's onward. You're my idol. I will follow you to become cool person. An awesome person that dealt with any situation. You have opened my eyes. I should be a better person."

What the bloody hell just happened?

She changed over a new leaf already? She changed her? How is this possible?!

"Stay away from me. I do not like you a bit. What happened to 'I going to snatch your man just because he isn't married yet'?"

"I gave up on him. It seems that it was just in a heat of the moment that I thought I was in love with him. Instead, I maybe just interested in him and thought that a perfect man like him is who I should love."

G-Gave up?! That easy?! This girl doesn't have any logic in her mind. The f*vk with this person!!

"Sister Jingyi, I want to follow your footstep to become a better person. Take me as an apprentice."

"I'm not taking an apprentice. And what is this nonsense in becoming a better person had anything to do with me?!"

See Weiling pouted as she was just rejected by her idol.

"Sister Jingyi, I really want to become a better person. You've said that I should not tarnish my own and family's reputation by my stupid action. You've also said I should reflect on myself to become a better person."

She clearly did not say anything about that last sentence!!!

Lu Jingyi facepalmed herself. Why did encounter people with unique personality?! Why!!

"Since you called me sister, how old are you?"

"I'm nineteen."

Lu Jingyi widened her beautiful eyes in disbelief. What dafuq?! Nineteen???

She doesn't look like nineteen. She looked like she's in her twenties. No way, she's younger that her?!

Lu Jingyi's mouth twitched as she looked at See Weiling up and down. Really? Nineteen?? Did she put on a thick makeup?