Wedding Day (2)

"Okay. Challenge starts. Start recording."

Start recording??? Behind Ye Ruyi was Chen Lili, who had rushed here after the first challenge, holding her phone and recording.

"Why are you guys recording?"

Wang Jiasi who was curious asked and wondered.

"Recording for the memorable moments of you guys."

Chen Lili smiled wickedly as she recording with her phone. The truth is Lu Jingyi wanted to see.

Since she can't go out of her room, she didn't get to watch them. They decided to record it. The first challenge, she had recorded it secretly without letting them know.

"Okay. The first question. Mr Mo, how much do you love Lu Jingyi?"

"Deep enough to sacrifice for her."

Chen Lili anf Ye Ruyi glanced at each other and nodded.

"You passed. The second question. Mr Mo, if your brother Mr Mo Zhexi and Lu Jingyi fell into the sea. Who will you save first and why?"

"What kind of question is that? Why am I involved in it? It's an bonus question!! My brother wouldn't save me first if Sister-in-law was there."

Mo Zhexi was clear that his brother wouldn't bother save him first if his Sister-in-law was in the same dangerous situation.

"I would hundred percent save Jingyi first. She's more important to me. Zhexi can swim, he doesn't need my saving."

It was an obvious answer for Mo Zhexuan.

The men thought that the second challenge was as easy as a pie. It would be a piece of cake to clear it.

The second challenge was done in ten minutes. The girls did make the question easy. It was because of Lu Jingyi's sake.

They knew they wouldn't need to drink the special drink because of the no wrong question.

That's right. All the questions was like feeding dog food to all of them. It proves how much he loved her.

"Congratulations. You passed the second challenge. Your reward would be these special drinks we made. You all must drink it before going to the final challenge."

The men were stunned. Didn't they win and didn't need to drink it?

Chen Lili laughed as she saw the look on their face. It was priceless. It was a good thing she captured the scene.

"The drinks were made especially for you guys. It doesn't matter if you lose or win in this challenge. You still need to drink it."

Ye Ruyi explained to them since all of them had curious look on their face.

Since the second challenge was questions for Mr Mo, they knew it had no right or wrong answer. They decided to add the drinks for them.

Like a sadistic person, the girls wanted to let the men suffered a little or it would be too easy for them to advance.

The men were speechless by Ye Ruyi's explanations. They had no choice but to drink the special drink.

It was a black liquid and therefore they weren't brave enough to drink. Mo Zhexuan didn't care since all he cared was Lu Jingyi.

He then took the special drink and drunk it in one go. It's just a herbal tea but the bitterness was max level.

To Mo Zhexuan, it was nothing. He can handled bitterness. Mo Zhexuan looked at the rest of the guys.

"Are you guys a man?"

The question was questioning their dignity. It's just a drink, nothing will go wrong.

All of them took one and drunk it in one go like Mo Zhexuan. Only some of them had an indescribable expression due to bitterness.

Chen Lili snapped picture and recorded of their pathetic self.