Bonus Chapter

One week ago.

See Weiling packed up her things and went to the airport. She had booked a flight to Country K as she told Lu Jingyi before.

Her plan was to have a plastic surgery to look like Lu Jingyi.

She smirked at her idea. It's going to be perfect and she's going to be a better version of Lu Jingyi.

She didn't told her parents the truth about having a plastic surgery. She told them she's going on a trip and will come back as she wished.

Her parents doted on her and gave anything she wants. They agreed to let her go on a trip.

Once she arrived at Country K, the first thing she did was to find the location of the best plastic surgery hospital.

When she found the location, she also found the hotel she's going to stay in. She booked the room of the hotel opposite the hospital.

She went in and checked in her room. She decided to rest one day before her appointment.

The next day, See Weiling woke up and got ready to go. She looked at herself at the mirror one more time before leaving.

"Goodbye, my beautiful face and voice. This is the last time I'll be using you."

She then leave and went to the hospital opposite.

She had made an appointment to the surgeon who will be taking in charge of her face and voice.

She show a picture of Lu Jingyi's face and a recorder of Lu Jingyi's voice.

The picture was taken when she asked Lu Jingyi to have a selfie with her. Her voice was recorded secretly whenever they have a conversation.

"I want to look like her and sound like her too. Can you do that? It doesn't matter how much money you want as long as you fulfill my request."

The surgeon looked at the picture and then looked at See Weiling. He wondered why she need to look like somebody else when her looks was beautiful too.

He didn't dare to question the patient. He then listened to the recorder.

"It could be done. Please come tomorrow at nine morning sharp."

"Okay. Thank you, doctor."

See Weiling then went back to the hotel and wait patiently for tomorrow.

Time flies and it's morning the next day. See Weiling came to the hospital in time.

She took off her clothes and wore the hospital gown and laid on the surgical bed. The doctor injected her Midazolam and she went unconscious.

She was then sent to the operating room. The surgery took up until four hours.

Once the surgery was done, the bandage wrapped around her face was uncovered.

She looked at the mirror and smiled. She was satisfied with the result. When she tried to speak, she almost sounds like Lu Jingyi.


She then decided to stay at Country K until Lu Jingyi's wedding.

When it's time for the wedding day, See Weiling had prepared a stun gun in her purse.

The stun gun was from where she bought from a tool shop back in Country A. She was cautious of buying it.

She also bought other tools to hide the stun gun. She didn't want anyone to discover. She decided to use the other tools to build her dog a kernel to lessen the suspicion.

She was sure that Mo Zhexuan would told his men to keep an eye on her. She also secretly hired a person to help her during the wedding.

When she went to Country K, she also brought the stun gun with her.

Once she arrived at Country A, it was night. She immediately took a cab and went to the wedding venue.

Her timing was perfect. When she arrived, the person who hired her called and said Lu Jingyi was in the restroom.

She immediately went to the restroom and faced Lu Jingyi. When Lu Jingyi saw her, she was shocked. See Weiling was satisfied by her reaction.

See Weiling had finally waited for this day. The day to replace Lu Jingyi.

And so what know....(^_-)