You Will Not Escape Tonight

See Weiling pursed her lips. She didn't know how to react to him.

Her face turned red due to the clossness they had. She then pushed him away with all her strength.

Unfortunately, Mo Zheyuan was strong and heavy that See Weiling couldn't pushed him.

"You are not my man!! Don't stay too close, damn it!!!"

Mo Zheyuan pretended not to hear her complaint and proceeded to hug her tightly. See Weiling didn't want to be hugged by him but she was no match for him.

"Let go!!!"

Mo Zheyuan then kissed her forehead which stunned See Weiling.

H-how dare this bastard kissed her?!?!? Ahhhhh!!!!! She's frustrated that she can't do anything!!!

"See Weiling, you will not escape tonight. I will bring you to Country K tomorrow to have your face and voice back. You have no choice but to obey my orders."

The domineering Mo Zheyuan looked at See Weiling with coldness with a hint of warmth.

See Weiling gritted her teeth that she really had no choice. She was not strong enough.

But the way he looked at her made her face blushed. What dafuq? She can't be touched by him, right? No way!! She isn't!!

Seeing See Weiling did not respond, Mo Zheyuan lifted her chin and forced her to look at him.

"Answer me, See Weiling. Say you will go to Country K with me tomorrow. If there's no answer, I'll have to kiss you until you speak."

K-Kiss her?!? This hooligan!!! She will not let him have the chance!!

"Fine. I will go."

"You will go where?"

See Weiling felt like she was being lectured by a strict teacher in completing the sentence. She took a deep breath and repeated.

"I will go to Country K with you."

She was unwilling but had no choice.

Mo Zheyuan smiled as he heard the answer. He then opened the car door and pushed See Weiling to get in.

After that, he boarded the car and started driving. He booked a hotel for See Weiling since she didn't inform her parents of her arrival.

He held her hand and walked to the reception to check in. See Weiling was not happy to be held hand by him.

She kept freeing herself from his hand but he was too strong.

After checking in, he held her hand tightly preventing her from escaped and went to the room they're going to stay.

That's right. He's going to stay with her. He was afraid that she would escape after he's gone. He have to make sure she was not out of his sight.

"Go and take a shower. I'll call someone to bring some clothes for you."

Mo Zheyuan then sat on the chair and called.

See Weiling saw an opportunity to escape. She quickly went to the door and opened it but it didn't open.

What?? How is this possible?

"Stop it. You can't open it. I especially chose this hotel because only the room had a door that's locked on the inside and outside that needed the key card to open it. The key card is with me. You can't run."

See Weiling was not expecting that. How could the hotel made doors like this. They're insane to build doors like this.

She then went in the bathroom and locked inside.

Mo Zheyuan smirked. He's a hacker. He had hacked the system of this room. Even if See Weiling tried to escape from the bathroom, she had no chance.

He can control almost everything here. Besides, they are in the fifteenth floor. Unless she wanted to die, she had no way out.