Bonus Chapter 3

"Meixin, I like to propose an engagement between your daughter and my son."

Mother Lu was stunned.

"It think they are pecfect for each other. I was going to get my second son, Mo Zhexi to be engaged to your daughter since they are the same age. Oh, by the way, my second son was sick so he was resting. I saw how Zhexuan smiled while holding your daughter's hand. I think my son like Little Jingyi. How about it?"

"But they're just children now. What if they have someone they like in the future?"

"We won't force them. But when that time comes, we will have no choice but cancel the engagement. For now, let them get to know each other. I do hope they end up together in the future."

"Okay, but we won't let them know until they're eighteen."

Mother Mo nodded at her condition. And so, they are set by their parents and became each other fiancé and fiancée.

Outside, Little Mo Zhexuan brought Little Lu Jingyi to play.

While the two of them play by themself, they heard someone was yelling and running towards them.

"Brother Zhexuan. I came here to see you."

Little Mo Zhexuan frowned as he heard the voice who was none other belong to Little Lan Xing.

Little Lan Xing ran towards him but stopped because she saw there's someone besides Little Mo Zhexuan.

"Who are you?"

Little Lu Jingyi was confused at who Little Lan Xing was and she quickly hid behind Little Mo Zhexuan.

Little Mo Zhexuan explained to Little Lan Xing about who she is. Little Lan Xing was not happy that Little Lu Jingyi played with Little Mo Zhexuan by herself.

Even though she didn't like it, she didn't express it on her face.

From that day on, Lu Jingyi would sometimes come to Mo Mansion and hang out with Little Mo Zhexuan.

And whenever she was hanging out with him, Little Lan Xing would be there as well.

She would sometimes play with Little Mo Zhexi after knowing each other.

Little Mo Zhexuan was not happy that Little Lan Xing would come and interrupted their hang out everytime.

He didn't particularly like her or hate her but he didn't ignore her either. Her family was friends with his family. He just see her as a friend.

"Brother Xuan, this is for you. A flower crown."

Little Lu Jingyi handed the flower crown to the Little Mo Zhexuan with a sweet and adorable smile.

"Thank you."

He patted her head and she smiled sillyly.

"Why did you make me a crown?"

"Because you look like a prince so I make you a crown. I also make one myself a crown too so that we match. Now we are a prince and and a princess."

"So, are you my princess?"

Little Mo Zhexuan smiled with a hint of mischief.

"I am always Brother Xuan's princess."

The naive Little Lu Jingyi fell into the mischievous Little Mo Zhexuan's trap.

"Promise me that you will be my princess forever."

"Okay. I promise, Brother Xuan"

Little Lu Jingyi agreed without hesitant making the Little Mo Zhexuan smile wickedly in his mind.

After that, tragedy fall upon them. Little Mo Zhexuan was kidnapped when he was visiting her maternal grandparents.

During his kidnapping period, Little Lu Jingyi also was kidnapped along with her mother.

What happened next? You already knew.....