Mo Zhexi & Xu Wenwen (22)

Mo Zhexi looked at Mo Zhexuan with hope in his eyes. Mo Zhexuan was creeped out by him.

"Hey, brother. Do you think I can get off work here temporarily?"

Mo Zhexuan frowned.


"I want to see Wenwen work."

"No. We have a lot of work to do. I need you to settle it for me."

Mo Zhexi was devastated when he heard that. Why do they have a lot of work to do?!

"I've already had given a week for you the last time and Assistant Yan had been doing your work. Be considered for others."

Assistant Yan, who followed Mo Zhexuan behind, gave an awkward smile to Mo Zhexi.

Mo Zhexi returned him with the same smile.

"Stop slacking off and do your work. Or, should I double your work until you don't have time to spend with your girlfriend."

"No, no. I'm going back. Hehe.... Bye."

Mo Zhexi then went back to his office sulking. Haiz..... Since he can't get approval from his brother, he'll just have to settle all the work in one go.

And so, Mo Zhexi put on his working mode and tried to finish all his work as soon as possible.


Xu Wenwen, who was busying modeling for a magazine, struck poses for the photographer.

"Oh yeah. That's it, baby. Wenwen, dear. You are a natural talent at this. The boss had a good eye."

The photographer keep praising and snapping photo's of Xu Wenwen.

"Good, good. Now strike a pose with and slightly daze expression."

The photographer knelt on the ground with one leg and zoom closer his camera on Xu Wenwen's face.

He snapped a few then changed his position and snapped again.

After it was done, Xu Wenwen was tired.

"Get some rest, dear. You've done a great job. We'll need another few photo of these with those few designs and we're all done."

"Thank you for the hard work."

Xu Wenwen bowed and thanked the photographer. The photographer like her humble personality.

She is different from other A-rank models who act arrogant in front of him.

"It's fine. It's fine."

Xu Wenwen nodded and replied with a polite smile. She then went to rest with her manager came and brought her water.

"Good work, Wenwen. Are you hungry?"

"No. Just a bit tired."

"Work had been cramping tight. Are you sure you're physically fine? Not overworking yourself?"

"I'm fine. Besides, after all the work is done, I'll get to rest for a longer day. I still have Jingyi's wedding to attend. I'll have to make sure no work on those days."

"Okay, okay. Just promise me you don't work yourself until you're sick."

"I won't. I promise."

Her assistant was worried about her health since she had a lot of modeling to do.

Ever since her one full week rest day, her work piled up and increased even more. She's popular and naturally, she'll get more work.

She just hoped she doesn't overwork herself.

"Get some rest. I'm going to get you a blanket since it's cold here. I don't want you to get sick."

"Okay, thanks."

Xu Wenwen then rest and looked at her phone. She saw Mo Zhexi had texted her an hour ago.

She called back immediately.