Mo Zhexi & Xu Wenwen (26)

The two men in black that guarded the door was on the ground. They didn't know what happen but they knew the door was kicked opened and knocked over them.

They stood up and wanted to beat the guy who just entered. Unfortunately, they were no match for Mo Zhexi.

Xu Wenwen's manager was really happy to see Mo Zhexi here.

When she saw President Huang wasn't eating with them, she had a hunch that he was going to find Xu Wenwen.

She quickly called Xu Wenwen but the call was engaged. It was because Xu Wenwen was talking on the phone with Mo Zhexi.

She couldn't get through her and she wanted to find her. However, there are two men in black guarding the door.

She told them she wanted to use the restroom but they didn't let her through. She panicked and tried different excuses but failed.

She hoped Xu Wenwen had already leave the place before getting caught by President Huang.

After that, she went back to her seat praying Xu Wenwen's safety. She then remembered she can called Mo Zhexi for help.

Unfortunately, she didn't had his number. She was devastated because she can't help Xu Wenwen.

And so, when Mo Zhexi appeared, she was glad as she thought her pray had been heard by God.

When Mo Zhexi entered the room, Xu Wenwen's manager hurried to tell him the situation. She also led him to the restroom that Xu Wenwen went.

Mo Zhexi ran with panic in his heart. He prayed nothing will happen to his beloved.

In a short time, he arrived at the women's restroom. He tried to open it but it was locked on the inside.

He then heard a man's voice cursing the word 'B*tch'. He didn't care anymore and used all his strength and kicked open the door.

What he saw frightened him. He saw Xu Wenwen was on the ground with bruises on her face and a cloth stuffed in her mouth.

And that ugly fat old pervert President Huang was on top of her trying to tear apart her dress.

Mo Zhexi's eyes turned murderous and he furiously kicked that fat old pervert aside.


Xu Wenwen heard two voices called her. The two voices was full of concern. She immediately knew one of the voice belong to Mo Zhexi.

She cried hard when she hears his voice. Mo Zhexi ran to her side and removed his jacket covered her with it.

He removed the cloth from her mouth and untied her hands. He hugged her tightly and comforted her.

"It's okay. I'm here."

Xu Wenwen cried amd whimpered in his embrace. She clutched his clothes and cried even harder.

She was glad Mo Zhexi was here.

"H-How dare you kicked me?! Do you know who I am?!?!!"

President Huang was kicked hard and he hardly could stand up. His abdomen hurt so much.

The food he ate before almost puke out from the powerful kick. Damn it!!!!

He wanted to see who had the guts just kicked him. He'll showed him hell!!!!

Mo Zhexi glared at the President Huang with an intent to kill him. He then asked Xu Wenwen's manager to take Xu Wenwen outside to his car and waited for him.

Her manager immediately agreed and took the car key from Mo Zhexi. She then took Xu Wenwen outside.

"Oh? President Huang didn't know who you are? Should I take a pathetic picture of you and upload on social media so that someone can recognize and tell you who you are?"