Mo Zhexi & Xu Wenwen (30)

After Mo Zhexi left, Xu Wenwen was led by a servant to her room. When she got in, she realized it was not a guest room.

It's like someone used the room, she thought maybe the servant led her to the wrong room.

"Um.... Am I staying in this room?"

"Yes, Miss Xu. Madam asked me to take you to Second Young Master's room."

"Can't I just take the guest room?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Xu. Madam specifically asked me to led you to Second Young Master's room. It was Madam's goodwill."

The servant was secretly helpless in her heart. Just now, Mother Mo ordered her to take Xu Wenwen to Mo Zhexi's room.

And Mother Mo instructed her no matter what, she must make sure Xu Wenwen sleep in Mo Zhexi's room.

"Oh, okay. Thank you very much."

Xu Wenwen saw the helpless expression from the servant and knew Mother Mo wanted her to sleep in Mo Zhexi's room.

The servant bowed to her and closed the door. She left after that leading Xu Wenwen to Mo Zhexi's room.

Xu Wenwen had no choice but to stay in his room. She walked around and discovered there were woman's stuffs here.

She immediately knew it was prepared for her.

Wait a second... On the bed, she saw a sexy red lingerie. She blushed as she picked it up and have a closer look.

What in the world....

She has to wear this tonight?! Xu Wenwen then went to the closet and opened it.

She wanted to borrow Mo Zhexi's shirt. But when opened the closet, she saw woman's clothes were there too.

Were they prepared for her? Such efficiency.

She rummaged through the closet and found a lot of lingeries. She blushed even harder.

She then took a look at Mo Zhexi's shirt and chose one to wear. She decided to wear the shirt over the lingerie.

She went in the bathroom and brushed her teeth with necessities prepared for her. She looked at the mirror and looked at her face.

She gently touched it.


It hurts. She looked ugly with the bruises. She sighed and rinsed her mouth with water. She then took a hot shower and get rid of exhaustion.

Today, she was exhausted and experience the same horrible thing as before. But, Mo Zhexi came and rescued her.

Her lips curled up a second before her expression turned fear.

If Mo Zhexi didn't came in time, she might be raped by that scumbag President Huang. Thinking about it made her shivered.

She shook her head and threw the thoughts aside. After showering, she went to the bed and laid down.

She laid down and inhaled the pillow's scent. The pillow had Mo Zhexi's scent and it gave her a sense of security.

No matter what, she was grateful that Mo Zhexi came to her life. From now on, she would do a better job at being his girlfriend.

She hoped Mo Zhexi can come back soon. She wanted to hug him to sleep. Unfortunately, she's fatigue and can't stayed awake for long.

Gradually, she fell asleep.


In a torture room where the Mo family prepared specially to torture people for their bad intentions towards them, President Huang was tied on both hands and legs and was lying on the floor screaming for mercy.

The people in there was beating and torturing him with pleasure. Their boss had given order to them to beat that shit up but not to kill him.