Mo Zhexi & Xu Wenwen (45)

"Haha, okay. Whatever you say, sweetheart."

"It's not even that funny."

Mo Zhexi pinched her nose and laughed. His sweetheart was adorable.

"Let's sleep after the bed sheet have been replace. I'll take you back tomorrow and inform my in-laws about my proposal to you."


A few minutes later, someone carry a new bed sheet and replaced it with the old one. Mo Zhexi thanked the person and sent him off.

After that, Xu Wenwen and Mo Zhexi went to bed and closed their eyes to sleep. Mo Zhexi embraced Xu Wenwen and didn't let go.

Xu Wenwen had no choice but to sleep in his embrace since he wouldn't stop hugging her.

After a while, Xu Wenwen fell asleep. Mo Zhexi looked at her gently. She's his and he's hers.

When he looked downwards, his Adam's apple move due to the 'precious view' of Xu Wenwens' bosom.

A part of him was awake and he had to settle it alone. Looking at Xu Wenwen, he wanted to ravish her but he knew he can't.

He gently removed himself from Xu Wenwen and immediately rushed to the bathroom and have a cold shower.

After having sexual intimacy with Xu Wenwen, it was harder to restraint himself. His self-control might collapsed anytime.

Oh, damn.



Mo Zhexi and Xu Wenwen went to the Xu mansion. They greeted Mother Xu and Father Xu who had been waiting for them.

"Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Wenwen had accepted my proposal. I hope to have your blessing."

Mo Zhexi bowed ninety degree in front of them.

Father Xu twitched the corner of his lips. Although he acknowledged him as his future son-in-law, it was too fast to call him father-in-law.

Mother Xu, on the other hand was clearly happy. Good job on her son-in-law. He was fast just like her husband when they were younger.

"Great. We shall visit your family and dicuss the marriage."

Father Xu widened his eyes and looked at his wife in shocked. He hadn't gave them his blessing yet.

Sensing the protest from Father Xu, Mother Xu glared at her husband. Her eyes told him 'Don't you dare try to stop them from marrying each other!'

Father Xu immediately changed his expression and congratulated his daughter and Mo Zhexi and gave them their blessing.

Two weeks later, both the Xu family and the Mo family had a gathering and dicussed the marriage between Xu Wenwen and Mo Zhexi.

Lu Jingyi was happy for her and congratulated her. And the incident of fake 'Lu Jingyi' shocked Xu Wenwen when she told her.

She never thought the one she met in the restroom was a fake 'Lu Jingyi'. She also can't believe Lu Jingyi kept it from her and she was the last one to know.

The gathering was quite lively and the elders discussed which date was appropriate to get marry.

Compromised to Xu Wenwen's wishes, they will get married after four months. Xu Wenwen wanted to settle her work on the schedule in the next four months.

She had asked her manager not to accept work for the month she get marry.

And thus, four months later, Xu Wenwen's and Mo Zhexi's wedding shall be held in the same hotel when Lu Jingyi and Mo Zhexuan got married.

The wedding was quite grand. Everyone knew the supermodel Xu Wenwen was getting married to the Second Young Master of the Mo family.