Mo Zhexi & Xu Wenwen (47)

When they reached Mo Zhexi, Father Xu handed Xu Wenwen over him.

"Zhexi, from now on, my daughter will be in your care. If you hurt her or make her cry, I will come for you even if I'm dead."

Father Xu threatened Mo Zhexi with his words and his glared. If he dares to make her cry, he will drag him to hell.


Xu Wenwen stopped her father from threatening Mo Zhexi. Fortunately, Mo Zhexi was unfazed.

He knew Father Xu was concerned for her daughter. He took Xu Wenwen's hand and smiled to her then to Father Xu.

"Don't worry, Father. I will not let her down."

Father? Father Xu pursed his lips when he heard that. Afterwards, he stepped back and went back to his seat.

The marriage officiant in front of them looked at Xu Wenwen and Mo Zhexi. When he saw they were ready, he began to gave his speech.

"Mr. Mo Zhexi, do you take this woman to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

Mo Zhexi looked at Xu Wenwen lovingly and smiled.

"I do."

The marriage officiant nodded and then looked at Xu Wenwen.

"Miss Xu Wenwen, do you take this man to be your husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

Just two words, Xu Wenwen was finally his. He smiled even brightly at her.

"You may now exchange rings."

After that sentence, Chen Lili and Chen Liwei presented the rings to them.

Mo Zhexi took the ring and put it on her finger. Xu Wenwen did the same to him.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Mo Zhexi lifted the veil and revealed her face. He cupped her face and embraced her waist.

He leaned forward and kissed her lips.

Xu Wenwen closed her eyes when her lips were sealed with his lips.

Everyone stood up and clapped their hands. All of them were happy for the couple.

After that, the banquet started with dishes coming out of the kitchen and served all the guests.

Mo Zhexi assisted Xu Wenwen with her dress and slowly reached to the main table. He pulled the chair and let her sit.

At the main table, Mo Zhexi, being the good husband, put food on Xu Wenwen's plate.

"Eat more."

The PDA of the newlyweds were seen by the people at the main table except Mo Zhexuan and Lu Jingyi.

All Mo Zhexuan care was Lu Jingyi and since she's pregnant, he's even more attentive to her.

Well, the night was done after eating and congratulating the couple.

Mo Zhexi carried Xu Wenwen after the banquet and boarded the car. And once again Mo Zheyuan had become the chauffeur just like last time.

Before he drove, he asked See Weiling to stay back at the hotel and wait for him to come back. See Weiling nodded and went back to her room in the hotel.

Mo Zhexi still can't believe that his brother, Mo Zheyuan actually like See Weiling after what happened to his Sister-in-law.

And they becoming couple was something he still could not get used of.

After they arrived, Mo Zhexi got down and carried Xu Wenwen inside after thanking Mo Zheyuan.

He couldn't contain his excitement and wanted quickly to have their wedding night.