Wang Jiasi & Ye Ruyi (2)

For the time being, he continued to work and observed every possible timing he could.

As usual, Ye Ruyi reported to Wang Jiasi for today's schedule. Ye Ruyi noticed that Wang Jiasi was not paying attention.

"Sir, Mr Liu will be arriving shortly. Please be ready. I will go and prepare the paperwork."

Wang Jiasi snapped out of his thought and nodded.

Ye Ruyi really wanted to slice open his head to see what kind of alien material his brain made out of.

Can't he just focus on his work?!!

She had repeated the same thing twice for every reporting she did.

What the f*ck was he distracted from?

Ye Ruyi gave him a cold look before excused herself and left. Wang Jiasi with confusion in his head didn't know what was that look for.

He then prepared himself to meet today's client.



For the whole day, he didn't even get to finish his mission that was not supposed to be but it turned out to be impossible.

He slammed his forehead on the desk.

He calmed himself down and took a deep breath. It's fine. He can wait until night time and send her back home.

And so, it was seven in the evening. Most of the employees got off work on time and some stayed back for overtime.

Ye Ruyi packed her stuff and left after reporting to Wang Jiasi. She was outside of the company and calling for a cab.

Before she could do so, a car stopped in fornt of her. Wang Jiasi honked at her and gestured her to get in.

The corner of her lips twitched as she didn't want to get in. But, she was afraid Wang Jiasi would just follow her.

She sighed and opened the car door. She boarded inside and closed the door.

"Shall we get dinner together?"

Wang Jiasi smiled at her and looked at her with anticipation.

Ye Ruyi pursed her lips when she saw his expression. She then nodded.

"Can I eat your cooking?"

Huh?? Was he seriously asking that? He's quite shameless. (。☉︵ ಠ╬)

Was he taking every privilege as her boyfriend? Tsk.

Looking at the frustrated expression of Ye Ruyi, Wang Jiasi put on his puppy look to her.

"Please ~ I want to eat your cooking."

Ye Ruyi wanted to laugh at his childish action. She's like a mother wanting to satisfy his children hunger for her cooking.

"Okay. Okay. Fine. Geez, stop looking at me like that."

Ye Ruyi then chuckled. Wang Jiasi's action sometimes made her laugh and speechless.

Wang Jiasi's objective has been achieved. He will use this opportunity while she was cooking, he'll put the plastic bag in the laundry room.

They first went to the grocery store and bought ingredients. Wang Jiasi paid for all the ingredients since Ye Ruyi was the one cooking.

After buying some groceries, Wang Jiasi drove to Ye Ruyi's apartment and arrived shortly after ten minutes.

He then helped carried the groceries bag.

While retrieving the groceries at the back of seat of the car, he secretly stuffed the black plastic bag contain the bra inside his inner pocket of his suit.

They arrived at her apartment. She opened the door and invited Wang Jiasi in. She led him to the kitchen and put the groceries there.

"Can I use the bathroom?"