Bonus Chapter (6)

"I don't see why it was embarrassing. I think it's a wonderful thing. Whoever marry you will be blessed because she had a husband who could cook. Not many man can cook and I think it was a rare skill of yours. And most importantly, just be yourself."

Listening to her praise, he smiled. That was the first time someone praise him for having a cooking skill.

"Thank you."

"Do you always come here to eat?"


"Can I join you?"

Xu Xiaodong was slightly stunned by her request but he nodded.

"I'll cook your lunch tomorrow. Do you want to try my cooking?"

"Sure, I would love to."

Xia Yiwei was happy and she can't wait for tomorrow.

And thus, from that day onwards. Their relationship became closer. They would talked about almost everything together.

Everyday lunchtime, they would meet up at the rooftop and Xu Xiaodong would sometimes cooked for her to taste his new recipes.

One day, someone discovered Xu Xiaodong always cooked his own lunch and a girl was with him too.

The rumors spread and Xu Xiaodong gained more friends and admirers. They praised him that he could cook and some of his friends jokingly asked him to cook for them too.

Because of the rumors, they didn't get to eat lunch together again.

Those who knew the girl with Xu Xiaodong was envious of her.

She was quite sad. She didn't get to meet him again as he always surrounded by poeple.

A few days later, she was slapped by the campus belle and accused her seducing Xu Xiaodong. Because the campus belle liked him and was jealous of her.

But what changes in her normal life was that she got bullied. The girls were jealous and slandered her for keeping Xu Xiaodong for herself and said she was a slut and a selfish person.

The campus belle was the cause of Xia Yiwei's bad life in the university because she spreaded her 'bad' personality rumors.

Almost everyday, something would happened to her. She would be accused for stolen things, someone would threw her things in the trash can, and even spoke illy in front of her.

By the time Xu Xiaodong realized she was being bullied, it was too late. She had been bullied to the extent she almost got expelled by accusing her for stealing a student's wallet.

Xu Xiaodong rushed to her side and saved her from being expelled. He was enraged. He announced to all of the people who bullied her that he would avenge for her.

He told them all, Xia Yiwei was his girlfriend and whoever bullied her, he will make sure they will suffer.

Once he announced it, everyone was surprised and shocked. The girls who bullied her was scared.

Some cheered him for protecting her girlfriend. Some were jealous and some were scared.

Xu Xiaodong took her away to the rooftop that they first had their interaction.

"Yiwei, I'm sorry. It was my fault that you've been bullied. I wanted to find you but for the past few days, I was surrounded by people and it was hard to get rid of them following me. But when I heard you've been bullied, I was enraged and went to help you. I couldn't believe that you suffered because of me."

"It's okay. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Yiwei, I love you and I'm serious. From the day that we share the secret of mine, you have always been supportive of me and the interaction with you was comfortable. I gradually attracted by you and fell in love with you. I will protect you from now on. Please be my girlfriend."

Xu Xiaodong bowed and stretched his hand for her hoping for her to take his hand. Xia Yiwei cried and was touched.

"I love you too. I will be your girlfriend."

She took his hand. Xu Xiaodong immediately embraced her. Both of them smiled happily and shared a kiss.

The end.

Author : I'll leave the future to your imagination.... (>∀◕)