Wang Jiasi & Ye Ruyi (5)

The next day.

Ye Ruyi came to the company with her dark circle under her eyes. She couldn't get any sleep from yesterday.

With her fatigue body, she struggled to keep her body and eyes active. But, she forced herself to keep awake.

Ye Ruyi went to her office first before reporting today's schedule for Wang Jiasi.

In Wang Jiasi's office, he had been waiting for Ye Ruyi to come. He can't calm himself down. He walked in his own office in circle.

Just then, he heard knocking from the door. He immediately sat down.

"Come in."

The door opened and Ye Ruyi entered inside. She was holding a few folders in her hand and put it on his desk.

"Good morning, sir. These are the document that needed your signature. In an hour, you will be having a meeting with the technical department for the new game that will be launching."

Ye Ruyi, as usual, doing her job reporting to him. Wang Jiasi wanted to have the opportunity to beg for her forgiveness.

After reporting, Ye Ruyi waited for Wang Jiasi to respond. But all she got was his intense stare.

"Ruyi, can you forgive me?"

"Sir, it's working time. I would appreciate if sir prioritize work before personal stuff."

Wang Jiasi pursed his lips in dejection. Seems like he can't be easily be forgiven by her.

Ye Ruyi smirked. Did he think she would easily forgive him? Dream on.

Wang Jiasi can't even talk to her with personal stuff in working time. He'll have to wait until off work.

When it was time to go home, Ye Ruyi had already exited the company and left.

For the whole day, except related to work, Ye Ruyi didn't even talk to him. Even after work, she took a cab and went home directly.

He can't even catch up to her. Wang Jiasi was feeling frustrated. What was he supposed to do?

He searched through Google and typed 'How to get your girlfriend's forgiveness?'.

First, express your regret. He clearly expressed it yesterday and how regretful he was.

Second, explain what went wrong. He did explained that it was on impulse.

Third, take responsibility. Of course he wanted to take responsibility and that was what he intended to do.

Fourth, say you'll repent (actually do it). He also did tell her that he will reflect on his mistake.

Fifth, tell her you'll fix things. He did want to fix things but Ye Ruyi might not give him the chance to.

Sixth, ask for forgiveness. He did that since yesterday!!!!

What kind of information is this? It's particularly useless to him.

Now, he's even more confused on what he should do. Should he send her flowers everyday to express his apology?

Yeah, he'll do that. Wang Jiasi then looked through his phone and searched for the flower shop's contact number.

He phoned the flower shop from before and told them to send a bouquet of white tulips mixed with red roses to Ye Ruyi's apartment everyday.

White tulips symbolizes to say sorry as it represents forgiveness and peace. And red roses expressed his love for her.

He hoped to receive her forgiveness. He didn't want to be separated from her.

Should he buy the same bra from the same brand for her as a gift of apology? Should he ask Sister-in-law for help?

Will Mo Zhexuan let him borrow his fiancé?

Tough question but he doubt Mo Zhexuan will agree to his request.