Wang Jiasi & Ye Ruyi (17)

"Of course. Anything for you."

Wang Jiasi will do anything for her. Who told him to like her? He's a wife-slave.

Ye Ruyi plucked one of her hair and put on a small plastic. She gave her hair and the hair of the old man to him.

"Can you help me do a DNA test?"


Wang Jiasi took it and keep it safely in his inner pocket of his suit.

After that, Ye Ruyi went to her room and changed while Wang Jiasi sat at the living room and watched television.

Soon after, their takeouts were delivered. Wang Jiasi paid for the food and put the food on the table.

He waited for Ye Ruyi to come out before eating together.

After she came out dressed casually, she went to the dining table directly since she was hungry.

She could smell the aroma of the spicy beef noodles from her room. The smell was incredible and it made her hungrier.

Wang Jiasi wanted put the noodles in the bowls they just bought. Wang Jiasi didn't order spicy beef noodles since he can't eat spicy.

He ordered the same as her but without the spicy flavor. He ordered an original non-spicy beef noodles.

After he put the noodles to both of the bowls, Ye Ruyi went to the kitchen and took two chopsticks.

They were hungry and started digging in.

The were satisfied and full from their dinner. Ye Ruyi's mood have been improved after eating her favorite food.

All those uneasy thoughts vanished and she felt better.

She was kind of glad Wang Jiasi was here to accompanied her. She felt safe by his side.

Since when did her sense of security she had been searching stopped. Since the time when she understood that she didn't have parents like normal children.

Although the orphanage was good and the people there were nice also, she still wanted love from her real parents.

She became strong when she grew up and almost like a robot. She control well of her emotion and everyone thought she was heartless or emotionless.

Until Wang Jiasi confessed to her. She never had this kind of feeling before and never understood them.

But slowly and gradually, her emotion started to show more often due to Wang Jiasi such as anger, embarrassed, and also laughter.

Her feelings for him fell deeper each time she's with him. Before that, she never occured that one day she would date her boss.

After they're were done, they sat down at sofa in the living room and rest to digested the food inside the stomach.

They watched television while waited the food in their stomach to digest.

While watching, Ye Ruyi was thinking how to give gratitude to Wang Jiasi.

She then saw the drama on the television where the female lead kissed the male lead's face for her gratitude.

She wondered if he mind this kind of action or if he like it. Her first thought was that Wang Jiasi would be overjoyed.

She decided to give him a peck on his cheek when he decided to leave.

Time flies and it was late. Wang Jiasi decided to go home. Ye Ruyi went to send him off.

"Goodnight. About the DNA test, when the result is out, I'll give it to you immediately. Don't worry and sleep well."

Ye Ruyi was shocked by his gentle action and words. Was this still the Wang Jiasi she knew?

She chuckled at him and gave also gave him a bright smile which stunned Wang Jiasi. He didn't expect her to smile at him like that.