Wang Jiasi & Ye Ruyi (19)

"Hey, I can't breathe."


Wang Jiasi let go of her. He scratched his head in embarrassment.

Both of them were embarrassed after a hug. Ye Ruyi was not used to this. She felt awkward after having a hug with him.

Wang Jiasi broke the awkward atmosphere by changing the topic.

"So, when are you going to contact your grandfa-- I mean the old man?"

"I'll contact him today and meet tonight. I want this matter to be settle quick rather that delaying it."

"Okay. Should I accompany you?"

"It's okay. No. Wait. It would be better that you accompany me. least don't feel so scare."

Ye Ruyi turned her head away while saying that. Gosh! Did she just say that?

She never been this shy before. God. For the past two years, she had been by his side and never had any unnecessary emotion.

She wanted to punch herself. Her face must be looking silly.

Ye Ruyi touched her face and damn, it was burning hot.

Wang Jiasi didn't expect Ye Ruyi to need him by her side. He thought she will reject it nicely.

"Oh. Okay. I'll picked you up tonight. Just send me the location and time."


After that, there was silence for at least three minutes before Wang Jiasi spoke up to Ye Ruyi that he had something to do.

Ye Ruyi sent him to the door and bid goodbye to him and closed the door.

Wang Jiasi stared at the closed door in front of him.

Ye Ruyi was so cute and adorable when she blushed.

He should have taken a picture of her.

After Wang Jiasi left, Ye Ruyi made a call to the old man based on the number they wrote it on the paper last night.

The called immediately went through.

"The result is what I said right?"

Ye Ruyi's lips twitched as the first sentence from the other party was the result he mentioned yesterday.

"Yes. You are indeed my grandfather.

"Great. Shall we meet and talk about your parents?"

"Seven in the evening at Cafe Au Lait."

"Ok. Be there or be square."

After that, the other party hung up. Ye Ruyi clicked her tongue in annoyance.

She then text Wang Jiasi about the time and location for tonight's meeting.



Wang Jiasi picked up Ye Ruyi at six thirty in the evening. He waited for her outside and Ye Ruyi came down from her apartment.

She boarded the car and put on a seatbelt. She noticed Wang Jiasi was wearing a formal suit with a tie.

"Why are you wearing so formally?"

"Uh...Just wanted to."

Actually, he wore nicely and formally was because he's meeting his grandfather-in-law.

Although Ye Ruyi did say she haven't acknowledge the old man as her grandfather, but who knows?

Maybe one day she will accept him.

They arrived at their destination shortly.

When they entered, they saw the old man and the two bodyguards from last time.

Their appearance was so catchy that they attracted the attention of the prople eating there.