Wang Jiasi & Ye Ruyi (36)

Wang Jiasi didn't have enough. He leaned forward and kissed her again.

Ye Ruyi was caught surprise by him. She was pushed down on the sofa and Wang Jiasi was on top of her.

Wang Jiasi let go of her lips and touched her forehead with his forehead. He looked at her in the eyes.

"Can I?"

Ye Ruyi was kissed until she's almost fainted. She vaguely heard what he said to her.

"Ruyi, can I?"

"Huh? No. No. No. I'm not ready."

"What are you talking about? I just want to kiss you more."

Wang Jiasi chuckled as Ye Ruyi misunderstood his meaning. She looked so cute.

Ye Ruyi was stunned. How was she supposed to know what he meant?

Tsk. What a cheeky wolf.

"It seems that you're fine now. Get off me!"

Ye Ruyi tried to push him but to no avail. Wang Jiasi kept his pose sturdy and didn't move an inch.

He then bent down and hugged her. He buried his head on her neck and rubbed on her.

"I'm still scared. Do you bear to leave me like this?"

What scared? He was definitely fine already. Oh gosh! How heavy was he? She felt like being crushed by him.

"Stop fooling around. You're so heavy that you're crushing me."

Wang Jiasi then got up and Ye Ruyi finally got to breathe. While she was just relieved from being crushed, Wang Jiasi lifted her up and got her sat on his lap.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face behind her neck.

His breath was tickling her behind her neck. Just when he wanted to ask her if he can sleep beside her, her phone rang.

Ye Ruyi instantly got off of Wang Jiasi's lap and rushed to pick up her phone.

Wang Jiasi was disappointed that the warmth just now was gone.


"Ruyi ah, it's grandfather. Will you come to my house tomorrow? It's the weekend and you have no work right? Come and visit me. Meet your relatives."

"Sure. I'll be there. And send me the address too."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow. Don't let grandfather wait too long. It's been days and grandfather miss you."

"Don't worry grandfather. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Ye Ruyi then hang up the phone after their conversation ended. She sighed. What gift should she buy for her grandfather?

Wang Jiasi saw she sighed and wondered what happened.

"What wrong? Who called you?"

"It's grandfather. He wants me to visit him in Country B. He wanted to introduce my relatives to me. What should I prepare for grandfather?"

"Anything. As long as it's sincere, he would like anything you give him. Don't give too much pressure to yourself."

"Okay. I'll listen to you."

"Do you want to come with me?"

"Do I want to? Of course I want."

As long as he get to spend more time with her, he was willing. Apart from work of course.

Seeing him looking so happy, she smiled. But her smiled faded after that because she heard something ridiculous she never expected from him.

"Ruyi. Can I sleep with you?"