Wang Jiasi & Ye Ruyi (38)

After Ye Ruyi entered her room, she closed the door behind her.

She was nervous as this was the first night Wang Jiasi was going to sleep beside her on the same bed.

She climbed on the bed and laid down. She also covered herself with the duvet.

Her heart was racing and her hands gripped on the duvet due to nervousness. Wang Jiasi will be coming soon.

Her eyes was fixed on the door. She waited for a while and her eyes can't take it anymore. Her eye lids was getting heavier.

Due to the fatigueness of today's event, her eyes gradually closed and slept without waiting for Wang Jiasi to come.

Wang Jiasi was on the way to her bedroom. He knocked at the door and waited but he didn't hear anything from Ye Ruyi.

Wang Jiasi knocked again and realized Ye Ruyi was not responding him. He grabbed the doorknob and slowy opened the door.

He saw the table lamp was switched on and he saw Ye Ruyi was asleep.

Wang Jiasi cursed himself. He was late.

When he was washing up, his stomach suddenly hurt. He was having a diarrhea and it took away the time he was supposed to be done.

He tiptoed inside and closed the door carefully and slowly to prevent any sound that can wake her up.

After that, he went to the side and climbed on the bed beside Ye Ruyi.

He heard her breathing steadily. She must have been too tired these two days. Looking at her sleeping face was quite interesting.

He moved closer to her and pulled her into his embrace. Heavenly god!! He loved her warmth and her body was soft.

He wrapped his arms around her and slept.



Ye Ruyi woke up and realized she can't move. She opened her eyes and saw she was in Wang Jiasi's embrace.

She was surprised and her heart skipped a beat when she discovered she was in his embrace.

After that, she calmed down. She got up carefully not to wake Wang Jiasi up.

Just when she was about to get up, she was pulled down and was hugged tightly by Wang Jiasi.

Wang Jiasi was already awake the moment Ye Ruyi moved in his embrace. He pulled her into his embrace again when she was about to get up.

"Morning, beautiful."

A shining bright smiled appeared on his face as he looked at Ye Ruyi lovingly. Ye Ruyi blushed at his handsome face.

Why did she suddenly think that he was so charming and handsome?

Was it because of the morning light shone upon him or was it his flirting?


"Slept well?"

"Yeah. When are you going to let me go?"

"Aw..... I just wanted to hug you longer. Five more minutes."

With that, he hugged her closer to him and closed his eyes. Ye Ruyi sighed and let him do whatever he want.

After five minutes, they got up and washed up. Ye Ruyi made breakfast and they ate together.

They then got ready everything and headed to the airport. Wang Jiasi had bought the tickets yesterday and it was scheduled at ten in the morning.

When they arrived at the airport, they checked in and boarded the plane. They will have to travel three hours to Country B.

Three hours later, they arrived at Country B. Old Master Chang had prepared a chauffeur to pick them up.

According to her grandfather address, his house was in City S. They will need another hour to reach there.