Wang Jiasi & Ye Ruyi (48)

"You must be hungry."

Wang Jiasi chuckled as he heard the grumbling from her stomach.

"And whose fault was that?!"


Wang Jiasi could only pinched his nose to avoid her question. He knew it was him who drained her energy away.

"Don't be angry. Aren't you hungry? Here, let me feed you."

Wang Jiasi pulled her hand and let her sit down on the chair while trying to reduce her anger.

"Can't I be angry? Yesterday, someone got out of control and started doing more than once."

"Yes, yes, yes. You're right. It was my fault. There won't be a next time."


Ye Ruyi ignored him and ate her lunch. Wang Jiasi was behind her and massaged her shoulder.

After she finished eating, they went down together.

Old Master Chang was waiting for them in the living room. Ye Ruyi greeted Old Master Chang and Wang Jiasi nodded his head to him before they seated.

"Is the lunch enough for you to be full? If not, I'll tell the kitchen to make more."

"I'm full, grandfather."

"Good. Good. Are you guys going to go back today?"

"We have work tomorrow, Old Master Chang."

"Look at my memories. Tomorrow is Monday. Okay. Since you have work, I won't stop you. I thought you guys can accompany me for a few more days."

"We'll come visit you when we're free."

What surprised Ye Ruyi was that Old Master Chang didn't have a disdain look for Wang Jiasi anymore and was talking to him.

Normally, he wouldn't talk to him or would just straight out ignore him.

It's surprising to see them having a conversation in harmony.

Three hours ago.

Before Ye Ruyi woke up in the afternoon, Wang Jiasi went to talk with Old Master Chang.

Their relationship had become better after a talk this morning.

"You want to talk to me?"

"Yes. I assumed that you already know why I wanted to talk to you."

"I'm apologize for yesterday night. It was indeed me who arranged those women to seduce you to prove your loyalty to my granddaughter and you passed."

"You did went overboard. If Ruyi didn't trust me, our relationship wouldl be over."

"I regretted. She lectured me after what happened to you. I didn't want to upset her. I just wanted to make sure you really change. But what I did to you had made her really angry."

"I know."

"I won't oppose you being with my granddaughter anymore. You better treat her well or I'll introduce an even better man than you for her."

"That won't happen. I'll cherish her for the rest of my life. You won't get a chance to separate us."

Wang Jiasi looked at Old Master Chang in seriousness and he won't backed down if he tried to get rid of him.

And thus, for Ye Ruyi, Old Master Chang won't interfere in their relationship anymore unless Wang Jiasi let her down.


Old Master Chang asked the servant to bring the gifts to them.

"These are all delicacies from this country. Take them with you."

"Thank you grandfather."