Mo Zheyuan & See Weiling (1)

Arrived at Country K, Mo Zheyuan dragged See Weiling off the plane and even took their luggages.

See Weiling struggled to free herself but her attempts failed. That's because she was no match to him in terms of strength.

She hated him. Hated him a lot. It's because of him that she failed to get Mo Zhexuan.

After they went to hotel booked by Mo Zheyuan and checked in.

Mo Zheyuan booked a suite there and it was spacious enough for two to three people to live in.

To prevent See Weiling from escaping, he held all the card keys and prevent anyone to bring her the spare key also.

"From now on, we will stay here at least three months."

What?! Three months with this psycho?!! No way!!!!!

"You can't keep me here. You're imprisoning me!! It's a crime!!"

"Seducing someone's husband is also a crime. You could say that we are partners in crime."

Partners in crime her ass!!!

She was rendered speechless by him. She's too angry to argue back.

Mo Zheyuan decided that they stay in Country K for three months because See Weiling can't get another plastic surgery as for now.

They can only wait for another two to three weeks before she could get the second plastic surgery to get her face back.

And after the second plastic surgery, she needs to rest for like a month or so.

Since his work doesn't require to go outside, he can keep an eye on her 24/7.

For now, he was thinking of how to get See Weiling to inform her parents about this or to hide from them.

Seeing that See Weiling hated him, she would not cooperate with him. He might as well try to convince her.

He got up from his chair and went to her room.

The suite got two rooms and each of them took one. Mo Zheyuan installed a mini camera in her room that's facing the window area.

In order to let her have her own privacy, he only installed a mini camera facing the window.

It is to alert him that she might escape through the windows.

He knew she will not commit suicide as she was still young and there's a lot of things she haven't do.

At most she will pretend to kill herself for him to see.

What he thought was right. See Weiling was in her room thinking of a plan to escape. She wanted to use suicide to trick him in getting out of this place.

"See Weiling, while we're here, call your parents not to worry about you. I'll give you your phone if you do so. Don't let your parents worry for you."

See Weiling bit her lower lips. Her parents didn't even support her in chasing Mo Zhexuan. Why would they care?

"Leave me alone, kidnapper!!"

"Then, I'll call your parents and tell them the truth."


She then opened the door. Although she hated her parents for not supporting her, she didn't want them to know of her deeds.

Pursing her lips in annoyance and hatred, she took her phone from Mo Zheyuan and dailed her parents.

"Hello, darling."


"Where are you, darling? It's been a month, are you still having fun with your friends. When are you going to come back?"

"Don't worry, Mother. We're having a world trip. I'll be back by three months or so."

"That long? We missed you, darling. Can't you come back earlier?"

"I will, Mother. After I had enough fun with them."

"Okay. Okay. Just be careful wherever you are, okay?"

"Okay, Mother."