Mo Zheyuan & See Weiling (16)

Mo Zheyuan's face turned dark after his hand being slapped by See Weiling.

Well, it happens all the time. He'll just need more time for her to get used to him.

Her face was red and fortunately, the bandages has covered her face all over that no one could see her blushing face.

Time flies and it's already another week passed.

It was time for the bandages to be removed from See Weiling's face.

The day where Mo Zheyuan was more excited than the patient who had a plastic surgery.

It's been a long time since he saw her real face. He missed it. He only saw her twice with her real face only.

He wanted to see the real thing.

The doctor who's in charge of See Weiling removed the bandages from her face. The nurse standing beside the doctor helped him.

The bandages slowly unwrapped in circle and her face was finally revealed.

The doctor checked and asked a few questions to See Weiling before he left with the nurse.

After they left, the room became quiet.

Mo Zheyuan stared at her face intensely and seriously. As expected, she's beautiful the way she was.

His expression softened upon looking at her beautiful face. He had the urged to touch her face every nook and crane.

In the other hand, See Weiling could feel a burning gaze stared at her.

She turned her head sideways and saw Mo Zheyuan staring at her without saying anything.

What the hell was he staring at her?!

It's not like he never seen before.

Mo Zheyuan walked towards her and sat beside her. He lifted her chin and she was forced to look at him.

Mo Zheyuan stroked and touched all over her her face gently and seriously.

See Weiling's heart was beating fast as she look into Mo Zheyuan eyes and her face was being touched gently.

He was so gentle as if she was his precious treasure.


Her face temperature rose because she never heard anyone called her face beautiful before.

From the past week, she had already confirmed her heart. She had fell in love with this person who was a kidnapper and a jerk to her.

But, she would not admit to him.

After touching her face, Mo Zheyuan leaned forward and kissed her forehead following her nose and lastly her lips.

He hold her face with one hand and the other behind her neck.

He sealed her lips with full of affection for her. See Weiling didn't refuse or push him away. She closed her eyes and response to him.

Receiving her response, Mo Zheyuan kissed deeper. He pryed opened her lips with his tongue and entangled with her tongue.

A simple kiss turned in a passionate French kiss.

See Weiling was surprised when she was French kissed by Mo Zheyuan.

She didn't know why but she really like being kissed by him. She melted during the kissed. Her mind was was blank and couldn't think of anything except enjoying the moment.

They kissed for a long time. When See Weiling was out of breath, Mo Zheyuan stopped and let go for a moment before continued kissing her after she caught her breath.

He didn't have enough of her. She tasted so good and he wanted to keep going. He could kiss her all day.

Unfortunately, See Weiling didn't have the breath to continue.

After a while, See Weiling pushed him away.