Mo Zheyuan & See Weiling (20)

Mo Zheyuan's heart was overjoyed when See Weiling touched his face. But he suppressed the joy as he knew See Weiling didn't like him.

"Why d-do you.....*hiccup*....look so... *hiccup*....handsome?"

See Weiling touched his face and pinched lightly.

"What are you doing? I will misunderstand your intentions if you keep touching me. Are you trying to give me false hope?"

Mo Zheyuan made a helpless expression on his face.

See Weiling was stunned and she stopped touching him. She lowered her head and looked down.

See Weiling's face flushed red and she rest her forehead in his chest. Her hands clutched on his shirt.

"Y-You can keep...*hiccup*....misunderstand me."

"What did you say?"

Her voice was so soft that Mo Zheyuan didn't hear it clearly. But he roughly could hear some of the words.

"I-I said you can keep misunderstand me."


Mo Zheyuan was a liitle confused by what she said. Just then, Mo Zheyuan suddenly knew what she was talking about.

She was indicating that she had feelings for him!

"Are you trying to comfort me? If so, you don't have to. It's my business to love you."

"N-No! I'm not."

"You're not? Didn't you say you love Zhexuan and won't change your heart?"

"But my heart change. I can't do anything about it."

See Weiling pouted and punched Mo Zheyuan on his chest.

Mo Zheyuan couldn't believe what he just heard. Her heart change? Did she admit that she like him?

Mo Zheyuan the lifted her chin and forced her to look into his eyes.

"Tell me, Weiling. What do you feel about me?"

"I, uh, think I like you."

"You think?"

"B-Because, my feelings for you was different from my feelings from Mo Zhexuan."

"How so?"

Mo Zheyuan was like a police interrogating See Weiling. He needed to know what she felt about him and hope it was not his imagination.

"When you were very close to me, I get so nervous and my face would heat up. I l-like your hugs. I-I also l-like your k-kiss."

See Weiling cupped her faced with both of her hands. She was so embarrassed when she said she liked his kisses.

Someone, kill her please~ Kill her from this embarrassment~

"Then, do you like me?"

See Weiling nodded her head. Mo Zheyuan's eyes lit up in happiness.

"Did you cry because I was angry at you?"

See Weiling shook her head.

"I was scared that you won't come back. I don't want you to leave me and abandon me. I thought you left and didn't want me anymore."

Mo Zheyuan hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.

"Silly, I won't leave you no matter what."

See Weiling felt his warmth through his hug. She felt safe and secure from him.

"Weiling, do you like me or love me?"

Mo Zheyuan wanted to hear her say she love him. He wanted to hear it so badly. His girl finally fell for him.

See Weiling pursed her lips. W-What kind of question was that?