Mo Zheyuan & See Weiling (32)

S-S-S-Sleep with him!?

What was he thinking?!

Would she lose her virginity tonight?

But she didn't wore a mature underwear. Wouldn't he be disappointed if he saw her wore a cartoon printed panty?

Would he think she's childish? While thinking about it, she know Mo Zheyuan will not despise her because of a underwear.

She gulped her saliva. Her face flushed red as she looked at him.

Just as she made up her mind in agreeing to him, Mo Zheyuan then gave her a flick in her forehead.

She was confused and rubbed her forehead of the area that have been flicked in pain by Mo Zheyuan.

"What are you thinking? Something indecent?"

Mo Zheyuan exactly knew what she was thinking about. All he wanted to do was to hug her to sleep.

And when he said sleep, it meant literally.


See Weiling realized that her mind was corrupted that she thought of something indecent.

"I want us to sleep together as in literally. It's not what you thought just now. You watched too many p*rns. I think I must limit your web search on something inappropriate."

What?! Noooo...

See Weiling widened her eyes in disbelief. He can't do that!

Where's her freedom in surfing the internet?!

Mo Zheyuan smirked wickedly. He pinched her nose lightly and she pouted in upset.

"Of course, if you wanted to watch it, I'll let you experience yourself. Don't worry, I'll lead and teach you in live action."

Her face instantly red until the back of her ears. She could already imagine she was being taught by him in bed.

What the hell was she imagining about?!?

Her mind is so unpure.

Mo Zheyuan flipped her and got on top of her. He bent down and kissed hard. He entangled her tongue together with his.

See Weiling wrapped her arms around his neck. She clumsily respond to him.

Feeling her respond, Mo Zheyuan kissed her harder and more passionately. She tasted so sweet that it was addicting.

His hand then wandered her body. See Weiling felt his warm hand on her body through the fabric of her clothes.

She moaned between kisses.

Just then, a knock was heard on the door and they stopped what they're doing. Mo Zheyuan then realized what he had done and stopped himself.

Shit! He almost lost control!!

He didn't want to take her now until she's fully prepared and willing to do it with him after careful consideration.

"Mr. Mo. I'm Butler He. Master instructed me to attend to you. If you need anything , please feel free to ask me for it."

"For now, there's nothing I need but thank you in advance."

"Alright, Mr Mo."

After Butler He left, Mo Zheyuan got up and adjust his almost fell towel on his waist. He turned around and he was back facing her.

"Go back to your room and sleep."


See Weiling got up and looked at him with full of questions.

Didn't he just say he wants to sleep together with her? Why did he suddenly want her to go out?

"I'm going to change. Are you going to stay here and watch me change?"

"No..... But, you....want me to go back?"

"Yes. It's not appropriate for you to stay here with me."
