Mo Zheyuan & See Weiling (48)

Six months later.

Mo Zheyuan and See Weiling had their wedding in Mosee Wedding.

Lu Jingyi made their wedding dress and suit. She loved designing and she took the opportunity to design their wedding clothes.

See Weiling was standing not far away from Mo Zheyuan, who was waiting for her in front with the pastor.

See Weiling linked her arm to Father See and held a small bouquet of flowers in her other hand.

The three children, who were three years old, Mo Zijin, Mo Zixin and Mo Wenbin as well as a two year old Wang Xinlin were in charge of strewing the rose petals.

The boys were wearing a handsome suits while the girls were wearing a cute white dress. All of them were designed by Lu Jingyi.

While the two boys held the basket full of rose petals, the girls strewed the rose petals on the ground from the basket.

While the children were walking in front, See Weiling and Father See walked behind them until they reached Mo Zheyuan.

Mo Zheyuan's eyes were fixed on See Weiling. His eyes were full of love and tender.

When they reached Mo Zheyuan, Father handed See Weiling over to Mo Zheyuan. He took his daughter's hand and put it on Mo Zheyuan's hand.

After that, Father See retreated and went to find Mother See.

The children also went back to their parents.

Mo Zheyuan took See Weiling's hand and then faced the pastor, who looked at them with a smile.

The pastor gave a speech and then he looked at Mo Zheyuan.

"Do you, Mo Zheyuan, take See Weiling to be your wedded wife to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her so long as you both shall live?"

Mo Zheyuan turned his head to See Weiling and looked at her with full of affection.

"I do."

The pastor nodded. He then turned to See Weiling.

"Do you, See Weiling, take Mo Zheyuan to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

See Weiling looked at Mo Zheyuan with full of love and she smiled brightly.

"I do."

After that, the two children, Mo Zijin and Mo Zixin carry a ring each and gave the couple.

Mo Zheyuan and See Weiling took the rings and wore it on each other fingers.

Afterwards, the pastor pronounced them husband and wife.

"You may now kiss the bride!"

Under the huge white wedding bell, it rang and they kissed each other passionately.

All the guests got up and clapped their hands together to congratulate the newlywed couple.

Later, it was time for the bouquet to be tossed. All the single ladies were in position to be ready to catch the bouquet.

See Weiling then threw the bouquet behind her and all the single ladies were pushing and pulling to catch the bouquet.

In the end, the bouquet landed on Chen Lili's hand.

Chen Lili was dumbfounded, she didn't expect that she catch it. She was full of excitement as she looked at Luo Yixuan not far away.

She waved the bouquet to him and Luo Yixuan smiled to her.

She indicated that it was his turn to propose to her and Luo Yixuan touched his nose with a gentle smile.