Chen Lili & Luo Yixuan (4)

She put down her things and wore a white coat getting ready to work.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened and came in a man. Chen Lili was surprised and her eyes were wide opened.

She couldn't believe her eyes. Was that Luo Yixuan that she wasn't supposed to get to see him anymore?

Why was he here?

Oh, right. He's a psychiatrist. She never thought the military would hire him.

"Mr. Luo, we meet again."

"Miss Chen. What a coincidence. I didn't think that the doctor that work with me would be you."

"Ah, yes. I never told you I'm a doctor here. I'm also surprised to see you here too."

Chen Lili was secretly delighted. Could this be fate? Have god arranged this meeting?

"Mr Luo. Since we're going to work together for quite a long time, we don't need to call each other too polite. Please call me Lili instead."

Luo Yixuan was not quite used calling her that.

"How about I call you Doctor Chen instead."

Chen Lili didn't pressure him and nodded.

"Alright then, Doctor Luo. Let me take to the the room you're supposed to work in."

Luo Yixuan nodded and Chen Lili guided him to the room thats two rooms away from hers.

"Here you are, Doctor Luo. The soldiers will come to see you one by one starting tomorrow. These are the files of each of the soldiers. Take your time to read and understand them."

Chen Lili explained and pointed the files on the table to Luo Yixuan. He listened and gave a nod.

"Well then, Doctor Luo. If there's anything you don't know, feel free to find me. I'll get back to work first."

"Thank you, Doctor Chen."

After that, Chen Lili left. She wanted to stay longer and talk to him but she had work to do. She sighed and headed back to work.

She must make use of the time with Luo Yixuan and pursue him. She must not miss the opportunity.

Meanwhile, Luo Yixuan, who's in the midst of reading the files, sneezed.

Was he sick? Maybe not.



Chen Lili was exhausted and it's time to eat dinner. She then quickly went to find Luo Yixuan hoping to have dinner with him.

She knocked on the door and Luo Yixuan agreed to let her in.

What surprised her was that, there's another woman there.

"Hi, Doctor Chen. Are you here to see Doctor Luo?"

The woman smiled gently at Chen Lili. Her posture was beautiful and elegant as she stood there.

Chen Lili frowned. Why was she here?

The woman, Xie Beila, was a doctor like Chen Lili. However, Xie Beila was not as gentle and she seems.

She liked to provoke Chen Lili and insult her whenever she wanted to. Unfortunately, Chen Lili didn't care.

But now, she didn't like her. When she saw Xie Beila was standing close to Luo Yixuan, she felt irritated.

Why did she feel like they look compatible with each other?

"Doctor Xie, I came to invite Doctor Luo for dinner. What about you?"

"Ah. Me too. How about all three of us eat together? Doctor Luo, what do you think?"