Chen Lili & Luo Yixuan (18)

It's been three weeks they worked together. Luo Yixuan's understanding of Chen Lili was getting better.

His impression of her was beyond what he expected.

Although she teased him a lot, he wouldn't mind at all. He also had a better understanding of his heart towards Chen Lili.

Apparently, he had fall for her. Just by seeing her could make his day better.

He would subconsciously looked at her way. He liked it when she smiles. It would affect his mood into positive whenever he was down.

Although he knew that Chen Lili had been obviously showing her feelings towards him, he kept his feelings hidden.

He would find a perfect time to confess to her.

For now, they were busy with a lot of things. Until things were almost done or not very busy, he would arrange everything he needed for a confession.

At first, he thought that except for Lu Jingyi, he would never find someone who he will love anymore.

Since he loved Lu Jingyi a lot before, he dedicated everything and would do anything for her.

He felt pain when Lu Jingyi had a fiancé. However, seeing Lu Jingyi smiled that brightly with Mo Zhexuan, he knew he was not the one who could make her this happy.

Although he felt pain, a lot, he also felt happy for her.

Up until now, there's another woman successfully entered his heart.

He would cherish her.

"Earth to Luo Yixuan."

Luo Yixuan, who's in the midst of daydreaming, snapped out after Chen Lili called him.

They were in the cafeteria eating dinner.

Chen Lili waved her hand in front of his eyes to see whether if he's still spacing out. The expression he spaced out was cute in her eyes.

"What are you thinking so deeply?"

Luo Yixuan shook his head indicating it was nothing. He then looked at Chen Lili gently and smiled.

Chen Lili was mesmerized by his gentle smile. Her face blushed and then flashed a smile at him.

Luo Yixuan picked up his chopsticks and put a drumstick on her plate.

"Here. Have this. You like it, right?"

He remembered? Chen Lili was surprised. Her heart was fill with warmth and excitement.

She ate it happily. She was easily satisfied.

The atmosphere between them was filled with pink bubbles. Ah.... Love is in the air...

Even poeple from the cafeteria saw them couldn't help but glanced a few times. They felt sour in their throat. They also wanted to fall in love.


Next day.

Today was the fourth week.

They worked as usual. However, something happened.

A soldier, who was appointed at this time to have consultation, was aggressively grabbing Luo Yixuan's shoulder while his face was horrified.

"Doctor! I saw him yesterday! He.....he.... blame me for not saving him. I-It's not my fault.... I didn't know the bullet would hit him instead of me. He was by my side....It's not my fault that he died. I-It's was the enemy's fault!!"

The soldier's hand was shaking as he felt fear from his comrade that died in the battlefield.

Luo Yixuan tried to calm him down but he didn't even listen and ignored everything he said due to his fear.

Chen Lili came to help and removed him from Luo Yixuan.

However, the soldier was too strong. Chen Lili had no choice but to acupuncture him and made his body stopped moving.