Chen Lili & Luo Yixuan (29)

Most tables were four seated. Two seats on each side.

Luo Yixuan and Chen Lili would normally seated opposite each other.

They totally didn't expect the two siblings would sit with them without warning. They rather them sat at somewhere else.

"We meet again, Doctor Chen."

Xie Haoyong smiled liked a sly fox and greeted Chen Lili. Chen Lili nodded her head but she didn't make any eye contact to him.

Xie Haoyong was not angry at her lack of response. He then looked at Luo Yixuan and sized him up.

"Nice to meet you, Doctor Luo. I'm Xie Haoyong. My sister mentioned you to me before."

Luo Yixuan also responded the same way as Chen Lili with a polite smile on his face.

This was the man that his sister was head over heels with. He was good-looking and had a gentle temperament.

His manner was poise and noble. It was comparable to any wealthy man he seen.

No bad. His sister had a good taste in men.

However, he wondered why Luo Yixuan would choose Chen Lili. She had good figure but her chest was quite flat.

If Chen Lili knew what Xie Haoyong was talking about her flat chest, she would punch him right in the face without hesitation.

What's wrong with flat chest?

"Doctor Luo, if you have time. May I talk to you privately after dinner?"

Luo Yixuan eyed Xie Haoyong with alert. He was cautious but still agreed to his request.

After dinner, Luo Yixuan told Chen Lili to go back first. He'll called her when he's done. Chen Lili was worried about him.

She didn't trust Xie Haoyong one bit. Xie Beila, on the other hand, smirked. She then left under her brother's signal.

The two men remained seated after the ladies were gone.

"Doctor Luo, or should I say, former CEO of Moxiao's Company."

Luo Yixuan's eyes narrowed. What was this guy trying to do?

"Sorry, I just didn't think that a former CEO changed his profession into a psychiatrist."

Xie Haoyong chuckled lightly while he spoke.

"Is there any problem with that?"

Luo Yixuan remained calm but he was infuriated inside his heart.

"No. Nothing. I'm not criticizing your job. However, I'm here to talk about my sister. As you know, she confessed to you and got rejected. As her brother, her sadness was making my heart ached."

Xie Haoyong clutched his chest and pretended it hurt before he continued.

"So, Doctor Luo, how was my sister inferior to your girlfriend? My sister was the gem of our family. It's hardly to find someone who wouldn't like her."

Was his sister the national goddess or something?

Luo Yixuan mocked in his heart. This man here was trying to make him accept his sister.

Did he think he was a fool?

"Feelings cannot be force."

Four simple words was enough to convince Xie Haoyong that he and his sister will never be together.

Xie Haoyong smiled as if what Luo Yixuan said was interesting.

"Your right. Feelings can't be force. But, feelings would change, no? To be honest, I'm quite interested in your girlfriend. You wouldn't mind if I pursue her, right?"

Luo Yixuan's expression sank. No one in the right mind would not mind men trying to pursue their own girlfriend.

"I mind very much, Mr Xie. Stay away from her."

Luo Yixuan's temperament changed into a cold one and was rarely seen in him.